#they’re changing our promo last minute
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hythlodaes · 2 months ago
getting bitched at for using an ounce of logic in the workplace 🤪
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the-himawari · 23 days ago
A3! Usui Masumi - Last Step Mini Conversations Translation
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Practise Conversation 1
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That event hall was totally white when we performed there for our last event. But this time it was changed to all black. That was surprising.  
They’re changing their image, just like when someone dyes their hair. Well, the budget for both are completely different though.  
���Say. Do you like me better with dark or light coloured hair?  
I’ve worn wigs of all sorts of colours in my plays, but if there’s a colour you prefer, then it might be nice to wear a wig with that colour.  
The thought of spending my days changing my image to your favorite colour makes my heart race. Next time, tell me which colour you’d like me to try.    
Practise Conversation 2
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In our upcoming play, Azami, Taichi and I are playing best friends, so Taichi took us out to hang out together.  
Taichi has dragged me here and there from time to time, but I guess it felt a bit fresh having Azami with us too.  
We went to karaoke and window shopped for clothes. It felt like we were taking small side trip on our way home from school.
I don’t think our characters actually did anything like that, so I’m honestly not sure it helped us prepare for our roles… but, well, it was fun.  
But then when we were at a family restaurant and tried to talk about love, which actually was an important part our role study, Azami called us shameless and we barely got to say anything.  
I wish we got to talk more about love. But I’ll live. I’ll just do that with Muku or Kasumi another time.    
Practise Conversation 3
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Director, do you have a minute? …Are you free this day next week?  
Here. It’s a ticket for a Valentine’s themed play. I’d like to watch it with you. Let’s go together.  
…Great. I’m so happy.  
Since it's Valentine's Day, I wanted to tell you how I feel and have some fun together.  
It’s not exactly on Valentine’s Day, but I’m thrilled I get to have a Valentine’s date together with you.  
I’ll plan the whole day out for us. You don’t need to think about a thing. Leave it to me.  
By the way, I heard this play is a sweet and tragic love story. It’s recommended for couples to watch together.  
I’m looking forward to watching it with you. After the show, let’s go eat some limited-edition chocolate desserts.  
Masumi & Yuki Talk
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Masumi: Hey, do you have a second? You’re almost finished with the costumes for the upcoming event, right?  
Yuki: Yeah. I'm going to have everyone try them on, make a few more adjustments, and then they’ll be done… Why do you ask?  
Masumi: The theme this time is “the colour black”, so I heard the costumes are supposed to match that. Anytime we’re announcing or showcasing the event, I’d also like to introduce the black-themed costumes. I bet it’ll really stand out.  
Yuki: Ah, I see. That might be a good idea since it’ll give everyone a sense of event's vibe. Should we take some promo photos while we’re trying them on then?  
Masumi: Yeah. …I also want to ask you about the parts you put specific attention into. I think that’d be something good to publish as one of the “points of interest”.  
Yuki: Hmmm…  
Masumi: What?  
Yuki: Nothing, nothing. I just thought that was a pretty good point from our PR guy. Keep it up and make sure you do a good job introducing our show and our costumes, alright?  
Masumi: I know. You better make costumes that attracts everyone’s attention too.  
Yuki: That’s a given.
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jujumin-translates · 10 months ago
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 5 - The Curtain Rises on a New Era
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momo has entered the chat.
momo: Isn’t it like so awesome and fun to have the Fleur Award decided via voting!? Iv: need help w/ voting? i can set my followers off for u momo: Hmm, it’s fine. I don’t think the troupe members would be happy with votes gotten like that, promoing the performances would be fine tho. Thanks
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shiki: I’m sure it’ll all be okay. MANKAI Company can definitely make it to the top of the rankings. momo: IKR? All of their fans have said they’re gonna vote for them, so it’s time to show them our power. We’ll be so so so fine Iv: cheering for u Kar: Good luck momo: I’ll do my best
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kazunari: Ah, there’s another notice on the theater forums about the launch of a new troupe.
Tsumugi: There’s more on the bulletin board on Veludo Way too. Usually, there’s only one or two of them, but there were about ten last I checked.
Tasuku: There’s a lot of recruitment for new members going on too. And a lot of troupes that went dormant have come out of hiding again.
Banri: I mean, with anyone bein’ able to enter and a fuck-ton of prize money like that, who wouldn’t think of givin’ it another shot?
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Sakuya: And with live streams of performances counting for votes, it gives non-local troupes a chance too.
Sakyo: Even though the Board of Directors used to go around to different regions, it was still just limited to well-known theater companies.
Taichi: Student theater groups from famous colleges have announced that they’re gonna participate, and I’ve heard that performers and influencers are announcing the launch of new theater companies too.
Yuki: Theater companies started like that are bound to get a lot of SNS Votes.
Citron: We are truly entering the age of core between the theater fractions!
Tsuzuru: Are you trying to say “war between the theater factions”?
Omi: It’s just like what Yukio-san said at the press conference, it really is bringing life to the theater world.
Izumi: It’s really starting to feel like the new Fleur Award has actually been put into motion.
Homare: The flow of change is necessary to keep the waters from clouding. Too strong of a flow, however, would leave us in a calamity.
Muku: A calamity…!?
Kumon: What are we gonna do if everything goes downhill…!?
Sakyo: Up until this point, the limited number of theater companies meant we all had to compete to catch the attention of the Board of Directors, but now with this, we’re going to need to change the way we fight drastically.
Azami: Maybe we need to start thinkin’ up a new game plan.
Itaru: The OGs, like GOD-za, Hyakka, and Yuzo-san’s troupe, don’t seem like they’re pulling out any special moves towards the Newborn Fleur Award, though.
Itaru: They’ve pretty much just been seeking out votes online.
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Chikage: I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see.
Guy: With all that said, the votes cast online during the pre-voting period do not affect the final election. It would be better to just remain calm and observe what’s happening around us, would it not?
Azuma: Right, if we don’t plan our strategy carefully, we won’t be able to make any moves even if we want to.
Izumi: That’s true…
Kazunari: Director-chan, what’s going on with that Spring Troupe workshop you were planning?
Izumi: A-Ah, right, that!
Sakyo: I don’t think that’ll do much for us given the current situation.
Yuki: Why not have it after the pre-voting is done and things have calmed down a bit?
Izumi: Right… we’ll put it on hold for now, then.
Kazunari: ‘Kaykay~!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Muku: Ten minutes left…
Juza: Ten minutes, ‘leven seconds, if anyone’s countin’.
Yuki: The more I watch, the more they start looking like statues.
Misumi: Muku and Juza are like rocks that won’t move~.
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Tsuzuru: It’s not like this is going to decide who wins the Fleur Award or anything, so just calm down, okay, you two?
Banri: Think you should be tellin’ yourself that given that you’ve gotten up to aimlessly check the fridge about ten times already, Tsuzuru.
Izumi: Well, I mean, you can’t help but wonder.
Izumi: (Today’s finally the day they announce the pre-voting results… even though it’s not going to affect the real thing, my stomach’s in knots just thinking about it…)
*Door opens*
Itaru: We’re home.
Chikage: Made it just in time for the announcement.
Homare: Seems like we’ve all managed to wander in here, one way or another.
Azuma: It is best to receive information like this in a group, after all.
Tasuku: If the outcome’s good, we can all be happy together, and if the outcome’s bad, it’ll be just a little better because we’re not alone.
Citron: It is kind of eggciting, like waiting for exam results~!
Kumon: C’mon already… ah~, I can’t take it anymore…!
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Hisoka: …Ah.
Izumi: !?
Citron: Are the results in!?
Hisoka: I ran out of marshmallows…
Taichi: Don’t confuse us like that…!
Omi: Well, we’ve become a pretty well-known theater company, so there’s no need to be so worried about it, right?
Tenma: I mean, we did win the Fleur Special Award, plus our ticket sales have been pretty consistent lately.
Taichi: Right! And all we need is to be in the top ten to get nominated!
Sakuya: And even if we’re a little below the top ten, we can work on improving our rank throughout the year!
Kazunari: Ah! The pre-voting rankings are in~!
Azami: The total number of theaters that entered was 6333…
Kumon: This is way too harsh to trace back from the bottom…!
Muku: But if our name shows up too soon, that’d be a huge shock.
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Itaru: --Found it.
Sakuya: S-Seventieth…?
Taichi: WHAT!? I thought for sure we’d at least be in the top twenty!
Izumi: This is…
Tsuzuru: There wouldn’t happen to be a theater with the same name as ours, right…?
Chikage: No, I checked who was in first place, just in case, but this is the only MANKAI Company.
Itaru: At least we’re in the top hundred, but…
Sakyo: Considering only the top ten are nominated, it’s low.
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Sakuya: Does this mean we won’t even get nominated as we are now…?
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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eyrieofsynapses · 3 years ago
Okay okay okay, so, I know everyone’s been posting the promo art, but I’m looking at this and I have some immediate observations to make before I go bounce over to today’s Leverage panel. 
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Y’all, I’m screaming, this is absolutely gorgeous. Anyway:
This is set entirely in space. There’s been a lot of stuff going on off of Earth ever since the second season, but we generally aren’t away from it for too long, even in Outsiders. Does this mean we’ll be spending even more time off-planet this time around?
That’s a boom tube opening behind Nightwing, isn’t it? Given that that’s the favored method of traveling in space, I think that might be some support for the “lots of time off-planet” theory. There’s also a few more planets in the background that don’t look like they’re from our solar system.
Look at the two largest planets. Earth’s on the left, and I can only assume Mars is the one on the right. Now, we know that M’gann and Conner are going to Mars, but the positioning is... interesting. M’comm already messed around with Earth in the third season. If I remember right, we don’t know why M’gann and Conner are going there. This is a bit of a stab in the dark, but could this mean we’re going to be seeing some inter-planetary conflict? 
Those globes in the background are awfully interesting! I can think of a lot of things they could connect to, like Halo’s powers, buuut the thing they most remind me of is the typical setup for DC’s multiverse. We often see multiple versions of Earth overlapping and interconnecting in art for things like Infinite Earths. Maybe each of these represents another dimension? Again, big stab in the dark, but, well, we are hoping to see Wally again, and alternate dimensions would be a way to handle that. 
There’s also the matter of the Legion of Superheroes character at the very end of Outsiders. They could be timeline-related instead of dimension-related. (That would also help tackle Bart’s backstory.)
Only the original team is featured in the poster. I repeat: only the ORIGINAL TEAM is on the poster. This is a dramatic change from stuff for Invasion and Outsiders. We’ve been promised more of the original team for this season, and I have to wonder... does this mean they’re going to take center stage again and put the newbies to the back? Because if so, yes please.  That isn’t to say that I don’t like the new kids. But look, I love the original Team, and frankly the show’s been incredibly overwhelming with all of the new kids. They need to put some characters on the backburner. In fact, I’d say it’s time to let the original Team wrap up some of their arcs. If they get a season to do their final stuff, the new kids could take over full-time in a theoretical fifth season and get the focus they deserve later.
As lots of people are pointing out: ROCKET!!! The radio-type play we heard last year already had her as a bigger focal point, but for her to be on the major poster is big. Is she finally getting the attention she deserves? Pleeeaaaase can we get an arc for Rocket?
And Zatanna! With any luck we’ll be getting some focus on her arc with Doctor Fate. 
(Just for the record. I wonder if this is the first YJ poster we’ve seen with more women than men on it.) 
I have no idea what those little cyrstals up in the corner are, but I get the sense they’ll be pretty important if they’re positioned in such a highlighted spot. Does anyone know what those could be? 
Also: NEW SEASON STREAMING SOON! It’s soon, y’all! It’s finally happening!
And that’s about it for first impressions. Once again: damn this is a beautiful poster. There’s not a ton of info here, but it’s enough to be notable. I kept forgetting that YJ was actually coming back this month (look, Leverage: Redemption has been more than enough on my plate), but jeez, I’ll definitely be thinking about it now. Phantoms is looking more promising by the minute.
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hargrove-mayfields · 4 years ago
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Memories Are Golden
The prom of ‘85 was just one week away. If you asked Steve how much involvement he would’ve have in the event, not even a month ago he would’ve guessed it to be nothing more than maybe taking a flyer home and immediately throwing it in the trash.
Because he wouldn’t be able to go anyways, him and his date didn’t exactly abide by the administration's rules, or society’s, for that matter, so he didn’t care about the whole thing, until last minute, when Nancy had successfully convinced him to be a part of the prom committee with her.
The conversation had basically been a very lengthy guilt trip, he’s well aware of that, and her whole, ‘best moments of our lives’ speech hadn’t really done much to change his mind either.
In the end, Steve had only decided he was going to do it for three reasons: he’d get extra credit in the teacher in charge of prom, the math teachers, class, he wouldn’t have to go to any of his morning classes, and Robin joined in on Nancy’s bullying him because her and Heather would be apart of the committee too.
So now for the next week leading up to the big day, Steve has to spend his mornings in the gym putting up the decorations for the grand march.
But it isn’t all bad, because their small little task force made up of the other poor souls Nancy had rallied to do this with her is all of his friends, Nancy and Barb and Robin and Heather, with the addition of one very begrudging Billy Hargrove.
The girls were all the type you’d expect to be into this thing, the crafty ones mixed in with popularity, and everyone knew Steve would do anything to show school spirit, especially if Nancy bullied him into it, but nobody actually expected Billy of all people to even show up.
He certainly looked more likely to be the one crashing the prom than hanging up little foil stars on the walls, and anyways, rumor had it he only was on the committee as an alternative to detention for smoking weed under the bleachers.
But Steve knew that had absolutely not happened, for one thing, Billy’s weed stayed tightly locked up in his bedroom, thank you very much, and for another, he was there completely willingly. Steve knew that, because he’d been the one to tell Billy to sign up.
Which, when it really got right down to it, Billy honestly was the only reason Steve was even doing this whole thing. They were used to working in a couple of very limited interactions on the court or in the few classes they shared, but with the prom committee they’d be required to spend at least four hours together every day. It was the golden opportunity, even if that wasn’t the way Nancy intended it.
So maybe Billy does show up a little late every morning on purpose, just to keep up appearances, but he’s got a smile on his face, hidden behind the styrofoam coffee cup he gets from the cafeteria as he seeks out Steve and sits beside him in the bleachers to wait for that days instruction.
“Mornin’ Bill.” Steve mumbles tiredly, used to coming in late every day and getting at least an extra hour of sleep most days.
Billy nods and hums in his throat as his only response, so Steve asks him, “You wake up on the wrong side of the bed this mornin’?”
And of course, in true Billy fashion, he flashes Steve his most shit eating grin, and says all nonchalant, “Always do when I wake up alone.”
It’s so cheesy, and very obviously meant to get to him, but Steve can’t help the blush that creeps up his neck. He’s still trying to think up an equally as flustering comeback, when the teacher in charge finally shows up.
She announces that this year’s theme was ‘under the stars’, which Steve thought sounded incredibly tacky, but there was still no way it would be any worse than the godawful ‘hollywood’ theme from the year before. Hawkins High had a reputation for a lot of things, but creativity was not one of them.
They get split up into groups, Nancy and Barb in charge of the promo, the writing up, designing, and printing of the announcements and tickets, and Robin and Heather got the delicate detail work, blowing up balloons, laying down the artificial grass squares and hanging or putting in place whatever the other groups made them.
Billy and Steve, on the other hand, were stuck with all the dirty work, the manly jobs. They’re the ones who have to paint the banner that’s going to go over the door, and carry anything that’s considered too heavy and hang anything too high (even though Barb really isn’t that much shorter than them), and set up the tents and string the electricity to the lights in the fake lamp posts.
Quite frankly, Steve doesn’t think it’s fair that they have double the workload as the girls, most of the week had been dedicated to their work, but he just can’t bring himself to complain about getting to watch Billy working every morning, still barely awake yet, his hair pulled up so it didn’t get paint or that much glitter in it.
On their last day in the gym, all that’s left is to sort out a few last minute details, the final squares of fake grass are laid out, lights are tested and glitter is spread out on everything. It doesn’t take too awful long, so they end up with just under three hours leftover to kill.
What they’re supposed to do is report back to their morning classes and try to catch up on all the work they’ve been missing out on for the entire week, but Billy isn’t looking to worry about a bunch of school work, so he tries to convince the rest to skip those last few hours with him.
From Barb and Nancy he gets an instant no, which, he was honestly expecting that. They’re responsible girls, and he can’t blame them for giving two shits about their education. The fact of the matter is though, that he doesn’t.
What he isn’t expecting as much is for his best friend to tell him no, but Heather’s too excited about her senior prom to get in trouble the day before it, and he can respect that.
He already knows that if Heather’s not going, Robin’s not either, so he waves her off before she even bothers trying to explain herself.
That just leaves Steve, and lord knows Billy’s been a bad enough influence on him that he doesn’t even have to ask if he’s ditching, so when Mrs Mitchell and the girls leave, they follow behind until they’re out in the hallway, then duck out of the back entrance of the gym.
Most of the time when people skip they just go home considering the lack of literally anything at all to do around Hawkins, but with Steve’s house too far away for it to be worth leaving, and Billy’s stepmom still at home, that sort of wasn’t an option for them.
Usually they don’t skip for those very reasons, but today they have a handwritten excuse to be out of their classes until exactly 12:15, so in a way, it isn’t so much like skipping as it is just using their free time wisely. Or at least, that’s how Steve rationalizes it, earning from Billy, who thought it was sweet that his former bad boy felt it necessary to make excuses for skipping, a chuckle and a warm smile.
They decide to just hang out on the school grounds, nowhere in town to go but the diner and the stores downtown, and they weren’t in the mood for food nor did they have enough money to blow buying stupid shit they didn’t need, so smoking and sneaking kisses by the tree line on the practice field it was.
It’s nice, but Billy doesn’t like the quiet, furrowed brow as he plucks blades of just growing grass trying to think of something to say that would break the silence. Steve just waits patiently with a lit cigarette burning out between his fingers for Billy to speak, listening intently when he finally says, “You know, s’a shame that I can’t take you to the prom after all that work we did for it.”
“Nah, prom’s way overrated.” Steve blows him off, not wanting him to feel bad about it, personally viewing the dance as stupid anyways, in a way sort of glad he doesn’t have to go, “It’s just a way to pay for new football uniforms and make kids who piqued in highschool feel good about themselves.”
But Billy doesn’t even laugh at that, flicking the head off a dandelion to keep his hands busy as he basically mumbles, “Guess you had time to think ‘bout it already.”
“Yeah. I guess I just always thought dances were kind of dumb. Now that I’m not King Steve anymore I just don’t really see a reason to bother with ‘em.” Steve explains, sliding his hand over to Billy’s across the tips of cool blades of grass, linking their pinkies together and leaning his head against his shoulder, soft touches like these the only way Billy could tell the difference between an open conversation and an argument.
“Still, think it’d be nice to be able to show you off. Let ‘em know what they’ve been missing.” Billy admits, a shy crack of a smile, like he was afraid to bring it up, and it makes Steve smile back, looking straight into the vulnerability behind his blue eyes and saying so softly it’s almost a whisper, “S’not necessary, B. I’m all yours.”
Billy pulls his hand away, a flush on his cheeks that wasn’t just from the warmth of the sun, overwhelmed by the affection just a bit, not uncomfortable with it, just not used to it, and bumps his shoulder into Steve’s, telling him, “God, you’re such a sap.”
“Hey, you’re the one that wanted to take me to the prom.” Steve says, barely even defensive, making Billy smile again.
There’s a break in the conversation, both of them flustered and thinking about the other, until Steve interrupts the quiet this time, leaning back on his hands in the grass and suggesting, “We could do our own prom though, you know.”
“Whaddya mean?”
“Well, we can’t do the real thing, obviously, but I don’t have any other plans tomorrow. You should drop by.”
“You’re really askin’ me to be your prom date?” Billy smirks, but the vulnerable hope in his eyes gives him away, and makes Steve’s heart flutter, though he replies nonchalant, “Who else? Be there at 8:30?”
“It’s a date. See you then, pretty boy.” Billy says with a smile, leaning in to kiss Steve, but getting interrupted by his watch beeping, their break time almost up already.
Steve chuckles and kisses his nose, and says, “Guess we better get back then.” waiting for Billy to leave first so his boyfriend had a head start to get into the school before him.
Billy throws a wink over his shoulder as he retreats towards the gym doors, and suddenly the weight of what they’d just agreed to settles with Steve.
Maybe this prom thing wasn’t as overrated as he thought, because did he ever feel over the moon right now, blushing like an idiot and just standing there dazedly until he hears the bell ring inside the building.
Apparently it showed too, that butterflies in his stomach feeling he had for the rest of the day, if the fact that Robin pulled him aside in the cafeteria for an emergency meeting about why he couldn’t wipe the goofy grin off his face was any indication.
He told her some lie, something about one of the teachers he got his makeup work off of cutting him some slack, and Robin doesn’t believe that, but she knows it’s none of her business, so she lets him keep smiling.
Still, as much as Steve was looking forward to this, at the end of the day when he waved at Billy from across the parking lot, he got nervous. Like, speeding back home to Loch Nora in under ten minutes on a normally fifteen minute drive nervous.
Because he still has a lot of shit to get done between now and tomorrow night when Billy is supposed to show up.
For one thing, his house is a disaster. He almost never cleans it until it’s too late, half-assing the dishes and overloading the washing machine and hiding things in closets usually the day before his parents were supposed to get back.
Another thing is how should he dress? He had a few fancy suits of his own from outings with his parents and past dances, but he knew Billy wouldn’t. Still, wouldn’t it be rude to underdress just because he assumed Billy would be too poor to clean up?
And what did people even do at prom? Get drunk and have sex? If Billy wanted to do that he would’ve just said so. How was Steve supposed to figure out what else they were going to do? The rest of prom is just bad dancing and even worse food, was that something he was supposed to include?
What if he’d sent the wrong signal in the first place and it wasn’t just going to be them? What if Billy showed up at his door with a bunch of other losers skipping out on prom night and this wasn’t really special at all?
The thing is, he knows he’s being irrational. Billy’s not the type to care about this stuff, and even if he did he wasn’t gonna like, break things off just because their little fake prom in Steve’s living room wasn’t perfect. That’s just ridiculous.
So he tries to redirect that initial panic into productivity. Get at least something planned out and put together before he freaks all the way out and loses his motivation.
He decides to do it in small parts, tonight he’d start with the cleaning and getting everything he already had together, and tomorrow would be for shopping and decorating.
Because he’s got such a scatterbrain, he makes a list of all the things he needed to get done before 8:30 tomorrow night, and already he feels the stress start to dissipate with each thing he gets to check off, the living room cleaned until Ruthie would approve, picking out a nice sweater he’d never worn before, fancy but not too much, and tracking down all the things he already had, a record player, the fancy wine Billy said he liked, and a couple of strings of fairy lights and tinsel.
The next morning he goes straight to Melvald’s, with the rest of his checklist to but candles, more decorations, a boutonnière, just to do it, and maybe something other than takeout to eat for once.
He must look as nervous as he feels, dumping his purchases on the counter, because Joyce smiles that understanding smile of hers, and asks him, “Last minute jitters before prom?”
“You could say that.” He responds breathily, trying to return the smile.
“Jonathan and Nancy decided not to go, but it sounds like it’ll be fun.” Joyce says with a nod, and Steve realizes he’s given her the wrong impression, explaining, “Oh, I’m not going to the real thing either, just hanging out with a friend tonight.”
“Well that sounds nice anyways.” She says, as she rings up his stuff remarking, “You must really like this friend to go all out like this.”
“Yeah he’s-“ Steve physically shakes his head, a reminder to stop talking before he gets himself caught, backpedaling with a shaky excuse, “I-I mean, it’s not like it’s a prom date , it’s just, you know, two guys hanging out.“
Joyce puts her hand on his, that same warm smile still on her face, and tells him, looking him right in the eye as if to say, ‘I know, but it’s okay’, “I’m happy for you, Steve. Have fun tonight.”
Steve nods, a flush to his cheeks as he leaves the store with not another word than, “I… Thank you Mrs. Byers.”
Billy knew absolutely jack and shit about school dances.
The first and only he’d ever been bothered to go to was way back in elementary school, and that didn’t exactly hold a candle to the fucking prom.
It helped some that it wasn’t the real thing, but Steve was talking like it might as well be, and quite frankly, he wanted it to be. This was going to be special goddamnit.
But before he can even think too much about it, he realizes none of that will matter if it turns out he can’t show, so he brings it up with his dad at dinner.
At the table is where he’s least likely to get beat if Neil said no, so that was always the time he chose to ask for things. “I know it’s, uh, kind of last minute ‘cause it’s tomorrow night, but could I go to the prom?”
Neil quirks an eyebrow, seeming mostly uninterested, “With who?”
“Nobody as a date.” Billy explains, using the cover story he’d been coming up with since the minute Steve asked him, or rather in anticipation of, “Heather has a spare ticket ‘cause her actual date ditched her last minute and she asked me if I would go with her.”
Neil nods, seemingly believing him, and asks, “When’s it start?”
“Uh, about 8, I think, so I’ll probably leave at like, 6:30 or so.” Billy throws it out nervously, tapping his fingers against the underside of the table, and freezing when Neil speaks.
But he doesn’t get yelled at, it’s just a simple, calm, “Susan, do we have anything planned that time tomorrow?”
“No, dear. Max is going with her friends at six, but other than that...” Comes her timid response without a hitch, and Billy already knows he’s in the clear before Neil gives his response, still not looking up from the table.
He agrees, but with a few conditions that Billy wouldn’t dare disobey, “If you drop your sister off first, you’ve got yourself a deal. Just don’t come home if you’re drunk, and don’t waste all my damned money on pictures.”
Billy nods, his heart racing in anticipation of something he was pretty sure at this point wasn’t going to happen, though some part of him was still waiting for the slap across the face and a never your mind as he says dutifully, “Yessir. Thank you.”
Billy starts getting ready six hours early for two reasons: for one thing, the sooner he’s ready, the more time he had away from Neil and to psyche himself up to knock on Steve’s door, and for another, his hair on a normal day takes at least an hour if he doesn’t want it frizzing out or losing it’s curl or getting heavy, and this was his prom, he was willing to spend a whole day on his hair for the sake of looking nice, even if there were no pictures of it.
Of course Max, being the little nuisance she is, follows him to his bedroom when he goes to get ready, holding the door open with her foot so he couldn’t slam it in her face, and earning herself a grumbly, “What do you want, Maxine?”
“I thought you told me you weren’t going to the prom.” She says it like she caught him doing something wrong, as if plans couldn’t change, and it pisses Billy off a little bit.
“I’m not-“ He starts to explain, cutting himself off when somewhere in the house Neil pops the tab on a beer can, a tiny sound Max probably hadn’t even picked up on, but if his father was out and about in the house Billy doesn’t want to admit what he’s going to in front of him. He opens his door wider and ushers his step sister in, immediately shutting it behind her and finishing what he was saying,  “I’m not going to the prom.”
She quirks an eyebrow, through Billy’s eyes maybe looking a bit too much like her step-dad when she does it, “Why’d you tell Neil you were?”
“Crashing the after party. Thought it’d look better if I said I went.” He just shrugs, half assing the lie, and, picking up on that, Max fires back smugly, “You’re lying.”
Billy snaps, no longer looking at her while he starts lining his shit up on his makeshift vanity, getting ready to get ready, “Yeah, I am. But it’s really none of your business, shitbird.”
“Are you going on a date or something?” She looks at him knowingly, if not a little surprised, and asks as it dawns on her, “Oh my god, do you have a boyfriend?”
“Maxine Nicole!” He hisses through his teeth, turning to glare at her and seeing that she’s holding his hair spray that he literally just put out, probably planning on stealing it, “Jesus, give me that.”
She lets him snatch it out of her hands and puts it back in its spot on the vanity she told him didn’t count as a vanity multiple times, rolling her eyes, “Yeesh. I’ll take that as a yes then.”
“If you’re going to tell on me Max, I swear to god-“ He starts, defensive, more vulnerability in his voice than intended, but Max insists honestly, the most not bratty she’s been since she stepped into his room, “I’m not, I wouldn’t.”
Though it doesn’t last very long, her not being a brat, because she immediately cracks a big smile and asks Billy, “Who is he though?”
“Mind your own, Max, Christ.” Billy blows her off, catching glimpse of himself in the mirror and taking note of the barely there flush to his cheeks, pointing to the door and telling his meddling step sister, “Out.”
“Awww, Billy-“ She tries to whine, but he cuts her off, “ No. Out. Of. My. Room.”
But Max offers quickly, like it’ll change his mind, “I’ll do your hair if you let me stay.”
And maybe it doesn’t immediately change his mind, but it does successfully stump him, because he’s asking her, equal parts genuine curiosity and sarcasm, “Why would I let you touch my hair?”
“No reason.” Max says, looking down at his carpet, definitely overplaying the bashfulness in bringing up her answer to appeal to Billy’s emotions, “I just thought, and maybe it’s stupid but like, most guys have their moms to fuss over them for prom, but, you know, you don’t, so I wanted to, I don’t know, be a good sister and do that for you or, whatever.“
Billy sighs, that had been exactly what he was thinking about all night last night, how his momma would be proud of him for finding a way to do this with the person, the boy he loved, and how she could’ve been there to do exactly what Max said, so he agrees, “Alright shitbird, guilt trip successful. You’re not kicked out.”
Max claps her hands together and sits on her brother's bed, getting all of Billy’s wrinkled button ups tossed at her from where they had been previously shoved, unfolded into a dresser drawer, and a command to, “Help me pick a shirt.”
She asks him while she’s unfolding all of his shirts he’d thrown at her and spreading them all out over Billy’s bed, “Are you going to button it.”
“What do you think?”
“Billy. It’s your prom.”
“Fine. One more button.”
“Two?” She tries to bargain, but he shuts it down again, making her giggle when he jokes, his tone level like it's a real threat, “One or I‘m going shirtless.”
“Then I pick.. this blue one.” Max says and puts her hand on a navy blue, quarter sleeve shirt after careful consideration of holding each button up up to Billy and thinking hard about it, but one more once over and she changes her mind, handing Billy a white shirt with snap buttons instead, “No, no, no, wait, this one with full sleeves is better. Yeah, that one for sure.”
“Sleeves it is.” Billy says taking the shirt and hanging it on the door so he’d remember to iron it, crudely shoving the rest of the button ups back into the drawer, and asking Max, “Will I need to wear like, a coat or something?”
She shrugs asking him smugly, “That depends on who it is.”
“Sensitive information.” Billy says immediately, when she looks like she’s going to argue shutting her down before she can say anything, “Which means I’m not tellin’ you.”
“Can I guess?” Max asks, making her case by reasoning with him sweetly, “Please? You wouldn’t be telling me that way.”
He genuinely considers it for a minute, and decides it’s whatever, in his head assuming there was no way Max would be able to figure it out, so he waves his hand with an eye roll, giving her the go ahead to start guessing.
Her first question is, “Okay, okay. Is it.. someone I know?”
Max furrows her brow, and asks, “Do I like him?” To which Billy shrugs and responds, “Probably.”
“Um, is it…” Max snaps her fingers, an idea coming to her, “Is it Tommy?”
But again she’s shut down, because for somebody she’s supposed to probably like, she sure does a lot of complaining about Tommy, and he calls her on it, “Do you like Tommy?”
Max hums thoughtfully, taking a second guess, “I guess not. Is it Keith?”
Billy shakes his head, giving her the most confused look she’d ever seen on his face as he asks, or basically exclaims, “Who the fuck is Keith ?”
“Well excuuse me for not knowing a lot of guys around here!” Max says, defensive, making Billy roll his eyes again and turn back to digging through his drawers for a decent pair of jeans to wear with a button up, most of them stained and worn.
“Not Tommy, not Keith, who’s left?” She thinks hard then gasps, connecting something in her mind, a devious, knowing little smile on her face, “Is it Steve?”
Billy doesn’t answer her, quite frankly doesn’t know what he should say. It’s his fault, letting her guess between the only three boys his age in town she apparently knew, but now that Max knew who his mystery boyfriend was he wasn’t feeling so hot.
Honestly, some part of him is expecting Neil to come busting through the door any second, like this was some sort of run around way of finding him out, but after a few minutes of her squealing like teenage girls do, he realizes all he has to face is an excited little sister.
He flushes, and asks her over his shoulder, his forcing his tone to sound bored, “Are you done?”
“Yes.” Max says, nodding, but she smiles wide and dissolves into a fit of giggles again, covering her mouth with her hands when Billy crosses his arms, and insists, “Okay, okay, I’m done!”
“Good.” Billy says, but he can’t help cracking a smile. He angles his mirror down towards the floor and sits in front of it, telling his sister lightly to, “Help me with my hair then, shitbird.”
Max sits behind him, and runs her fingers through his hair, “You should’ve put curlers in it or something last night.”
Billy rolls his eyes, realizing as he does so for the dozen things time since Max barged in that she maybe learned that from him, deciding that doesn’t even warrant a response, and hands Max the comb and one of the many cans of hairspray off of his vanity.
She sits up on her knees, and brushes back the hairs just behind his ears that always frizz out and lose their curl, holding them at the back of his hair with a bobby pin, one of the blond ones she bought specifically for him so he could use them without immediately getting caught using ‘girly’ things, but had so far been too scared to anyways.
It looks strange on him, looks more like something Max would wear than him, but honestly he doesn’t hate it, so he lets her keep going, only frowning a little when she adds a pearl adorned hair clip, big enough it looks more like a fancy brooch, to the back of his hair.
She sprays it with so much hairspray it’s tacky, scrunching it up so his curls are tighter, and smoothing the sides so they won’t come unclipped.
When every curl is in its place and approved by Billy, who insists he’s not in the least bit emotional about what Max had said early, that thing about having nobody but her to fuss over him, she hops up, telling him to, “Wait one minute.” while she runs to her room.
She returns with her bulky pink Caboodles box, the one that has all of her mostly unused makeup in it, tapping him on the shoulder and telling him, “Alright, turn towards me.”
Her plan didn’t work though, at least he’s almost positive it was her plan to break down his defenses just so she could use him as her dress up doll anyways, but he isn’t having it, telling her quickly to “Put that shit away, Max.”
“Why? You wear makeup everyday.” Max observes simply, making Billy hiss and tell her to lower her voice, “Yeah, but never the extra strength shit that makes your eyelashes curly and your face pretty. Neil will sniff this out the second I step out of this room.”
Max just shrugs, “Then I’ll make sure he doesn’t see your face. It’s not a big deal.”
“He’ll make it into one.”
“I think your senior prom is an even bigger deal, though.”
Billy sighs, once again losing to her arguing skill, and turning to face her like she told him, “You owe me if I get caught like this.”
Max rolls her eyes and does her magic, each second that passes Billy regretting agreeing to turning the control of his appearance over to his little sister, expecting to come out of this looking like her Diva doll, fidgeting more and more the longer it takes her.
Just before he’s about to panic, Max tells him, “All done.” and lets him look in the mirror.
He blinks repeatedly at his own reflection, surprised to see he didn’t have sparkly eyeshadow up to his eyebrows or rouge on his cheeks, just a tasteful amount of lip gloss and a copper tint to his eyelids, framed by darker than usual eyelashes and the smallest bit of eyeliner.
She gets impatient after a few minutes of Billy not saying anything, and pushes his shoulders to turn him around again to look at her, staring at him until she decides what she thinks is missing.
She hurries to the upright jewelry box in her mother’s room, and brings him back a clip on pearl earring for his right ear, opposite the chain of silver stars she already picked for his left.
“Here, it’ll look better if you have earrings in both ears.” She reaches up, pushing his hair out of the way and clipping the earring on, letting him do the screw on the back himself so she didn’t make it too tight.
Billy lowers his hand and scrunches his nose, leaning in slightly towards the mirror, “They don’t match.”
“It looks nice though. You look really pretty.” She tells him honestly, not realizing the impact the simple compliment, though not so simple for somebody like him, has on her brother until he’s trying to subtly blink away tears behind mascara coated lashes, pretending like that wasn’t the case and telling her, “Whatever, it’s too late to change it now if you want to be on time.”
He does one last once over himself in the mirror, though he knows he’s going to be using his car windows for the same purpose at the last minute, and shoos Max out of his bedroom door, trying to hurry out of the house before Neil can stop him and see him all dolled up.
He’s got one hand around the door knob and his keys through his belt loop when his dad does stop him, his heart just about stopping as Neil calls from the other room, “Do you have flowers for the girl?”
“I have a corsage in the car.” Billy lies, hoping his tone is sure enough for Neil to buy it.
“Good. Just remember what I said, boy.” Neil says, still from the living room, so Billy lets his posture relax a bit and breathes out a quiet sight, saying casually, “Get Max to her friends, don’t spend any money, and don’t come home drunk, I got it, dad.”
“Watch the attitude, William.” Neil says low, the air going still for a minute until he adds, “And have fun tonight.”
“Yessir.” Billy says, ushering Max quickly out the front door, sighing when it closes behind them.
Billy drops Max off at the Wheeler’s, just driving around Hawkins until it’s time to show up at Steve’s, making sure to stop past the Holloway’s place just in case Neil went asking around wanting to know if anybody saw his car in the neighborhood.
At 8, he decides he doesn’t want to show up empty handed, buying Steve some flowers like he’d lied and said he had for Heather from Melvald’s, not understanding the knowing look the cashier lady has in her eye when he brings a dinky bouquet of flowers to the checkout counter.
He rings the doorbell at 8:30 on the dot, checking himself out one last time in Steve’s window while he waits, fifty cent roses held behind his back.
On the other side of the door, Steve stands in the dining room, now adorned with cheap party decorations that would’ve made his mother pitch a fit, waiting a whole thirty seconds before he goes to answer it, trying to collect himself first.
Billy smiles wide, and, as cheesy as it was, seeing him standing there all dressed up taking Steve’s breath away and stealing the words right off his tongue, Billy having to invite himself in because Steve was busy catching flies.
He hands him the flowers, nodding towards the silver tinsel wrapped around the banister, the stars hanging in the archway that lead into the living room that were almost identical to the ones they hung from the basketball hoops at school and saying, “Place looks nice.”
“Oh, uh, thanks.” Steve says, quickly adding, “You know, you look nice too.”
Billy smiles softly, looking at him with that ‘you’re an idiot Steve Harrington’ look he was so used to by now, “C’mon, Stevie, we’ve been dating for four months now, you don’t gotta be all awkward with me still.”
“I’m not, I mean it, you look really good, Billy.” Steve says, smiling now that it’s his turn to fluster Billy.
“Oh by the way, I almost forgot. Got you this just because.” He remembers, handing Billy a box with a floral pin inside, pink roses with lace, and telling him expectantly, “It’s a boutonnière.”
But Billy doesn't open it, just raises an eyebrow and says, “I thought you did corsages for prom?”
“Corsages are for the girls.”
“Ah. Got it.” He says it like he already knew that, like he was hoping maybe Steve didn’t, so Steve offers, not really understanding it, but knowing what he means all the same, “It came as a set, I still have the corsage upstairs, if you want it.”
Billy nods and pins the boutonnière to Steve’s shirt instead, explaining simply, “Just so we match.”
Steve runs upstairs and gets the corsage, giving Billy a minute to actually appreciate just how much went into decorating this place, snickering to himself when he imagines Steve having to stand on a step ladder to put the string lights so high up on the wall.
Steve tosses Billy the box from the top of the steps, letting him open it while he comes back down and ties it around his wrist, having to tie it twice because he put it on the wrong way the first time.
Billy asks him, shaking his wrist to make sure the bow is tight enough, “So what’s our official plan for tonight, Stevie?”
“Honestly I don’t really know. I’m sort of just winging it here, I don’t know what you even do at prom.”
“You never went at all?” Billy asks, surprised miss priss hadn’t dragged him along to their junior prom last year.
“Nope. Like I said, overrated.” Steve confirms, and Billy smiles wide, saying, “I’m sure I got a few ideas in mind then.”
Billy’s idea basically consisted mainly of drinking all that fancy wine Steve had gotten out of the cellar specifically for this, shoving his tongue down Steve’s throat, and complaining about the real prom happening up at the school.
Honestly, Steve suspects things wouldn’t have been so different had they actually gone, but he can tell the fact that they weren’t able to go was still bothering Billy, judging by the sheer number of times he brings it up.
After what must be the tenth time that night Billy brought up Heather and Robin getting to go, Steve asks him, “Do you wish we were there?”
“No, that’s the thing. I couldn’t give a damn less about the whole dance, a thousand times over I’d rather just be here with you.”
“But I wish we had the choice to go, you know? It’s just, bugging me that if we had genuinely wanted to go, we couldn’t’ve.” Billy rants, very obviously having been holding this in, “And I keep thinking about all the other gay kids who don’t have a big empty house or a safe place to do what we’re doin’.”
“Yeah, but it’s really not a big deal. Prom is pretty much all for the parents anyways, and the way I see it we, and all the other people like us, we’re so used to disappointing them, what’s it matter if we don’t go?”
“Just, I don’t care about the event or whatever, but it feels like we’re missing out on something. Like maybe we should’ve just swallowed our pride and went with Hetty and Robin anyways.”
Steve stands up abruptly, picking up their wine glasses and kicking the coffee table all the way over to the far wall to clear the floor, offering Billy his hand, “I know you feel like you’re robbing me of something by us not going, but we don’t need all of that for this to be good. I meant it when I said that’s superficial to me anyways. We can make it mean something to us.”
Billy looks up at him, still bothered deep down, but out of ways to argue about it, and accepts Steve’s hand, wrapping his arms around the back of his neck when he pulls him close by his waist.
It’s not really a slow dance as much as it is an excuse to just be close to one another, to breathe each other in and sneak kisses and be sappy, but that’s was this whole thing was about. They could’ve just hung out tonight if they wanted, and honestly they probably would’ve anyways, but they called it a prom, put that title to it that made both of their hearts pitapat.
Steve had always heard, even felt it a few times before, that when you were with the person you loved, everyone and everything else would melt away around you until it was just you, but somehow, this was different than that.
Because that would mean there were times when his world didn’t revolve around Billy, and that there was ever a moment when he could focus on anything but the boy he loved, and that just wasn’t true.
This wasn’t performative, wasn’t a relationship formed on the status of being able to show off that they were better for being in love either, this was simply Billy and Steve, dancing in their tennis shoes on Ruthie's carpet, snickering when a particularly sappy song came on the radio, barely able to be separated long enough to turn to side B, falling in love all over again under the stars.
When the wine bottles are all empty and the stack of records has been spun through, Steve’s schnockered, and insisting they get a picture, searching the house for an old Polaroid camera and making Billy stand with him in front of the fairy lights strung
They only had three chances to get a good picture, no new packs of film and only a few left in the camera, so Steve took all three.
The first one was upside down and so off center he was hardly in it, Steve being maybe a little more drunk than he thought, and the second Billy closed his eyes because the flash was too bright, but it didn’t matter too much anyways because the film didn’t develop properly and the picture was nothing but reddish-yellow tinted blackness anyways.
The third one by some chance turns out fine, maybe a little blurred because he moved and still not quite centered right, but it’s a picture, something to hold onto the memory of this night forever when the hangover wore off and things got a little blurry, and that was important to the both of them, for different reasons.
As soon as it develops, a little 8 by 10 of Billy kissing his cheek, Steve runs upstairs to hang it on the cork board above his desk before it gets misplaced, dating it and doodling a little heart with a S+B inside it, hiding the picture behind a ribbon for a middle school art contest and a picture of him and his parents.
Billy hooks his chin over his shoulder, his hands traveling a bit lower than Steve’s waist this time as he watches what he’s doing. He hums and asks, when Steve stands up straighter and turns in his arms to face him, “So? What have you got planned for the after prom, Stevie?”
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writingbeary · 4 years ago
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Note: Set around Year 2019
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Waking up to a quiet dorm was something Minyoung would have never expected to experience when she moved in with them but that is what she woke up to this morning. They were given their usual holiday after promotion period, only this time they were given a whole week off which the members took advantage of to visit their family.
Minyoung didn't have any close family in Korea which is why she's remained at the dorms. The members did ask her if she wants to go with any of them so she won't be alone but she declined saying she'll be fine at the dorm and making an excuse that she made plans with her friends. She actually didn't have any plans since most of her friends are busy during this time but she didn't want to intrude on the family time of her members.
Jongho was last one to leave this morning as he was living the closest and was very hesitant to leave Minyoung alone. "You can just come with me. Mom would love to have you over. She’s been asking me when you’ll come to visit anyway. You'll be alone for a few days. Are you sure?"
"Don't worry about me and just go. I'm sure they're already waiting for you back home. I'll contact you if something happens, or better yet I'll just update everyone in our chatroom." Minyoung let out a giggle as she was trying to push Jongho out the door, the latter not budging from his spot.
"Then make sure to message okay? If you change your mind, tell me and I'll pick you up." Jongho sighed before smiling.
"Mhm! Don't worry and just enjoy the holiday. Tell your mom that I’ll visit her next time." Minyoung hugged him before seeing him off.
Having the dorms to herself, Minyoung looked around for something to do before deciding she could clean up the place a bit. They've been so busy that they barely had time to eat and sleep, much less clean. It wasn't as messy as one would expect a group of their size would have but there were some that needs cleaning mainly the shoe cabinet and the couch that sometimes doubles as a hamper. She lost track of time only to realize how late in the afternoon it has gotten, when her stomach made a sound.
"It's time for lunch, I guess. Do we even have anything I can eat here?" Minyoung looked through the fridge and found it empty except for bottled water and kimchi. "Guess not. I'm ordering in and maybe go for groceries tomorrow." She picked up her phone and decided to call the Chinese restaurant near them.
"Yes. Please leave it by the door. Yes." She said finishing up the call. She was then reminded of how she couldn't even call for delivery, worrying if they could understand each other.
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ATEEZ was in the middle of practicing for their showcase when Hongjoong decided it’s time for them to take a break. Most members lied down on the floor catching their breath. 
“So tired and I’m hungryy.” Minyoung whined as she sat down legs stretched on the floor.
“What do you want to eat?” Seonghwa asked already getting their manager’s phone to order.
“I want chicken.” Yeosang answered with Mingi agreeing to it
“Pizza” Jongho and Minyoung answered at the same time, grinning at each other when they realized.
“Should we get chicken and pizza then?” Hongjoong looked around if everyone is okay with it.
“Let Minyoung order it.” San laughed as he noticed Minyoung whipped her head, shocked and confused why he’ll even suggest that. “For practice. Don’t you want to learn how to be able to do that on your own?” San added.
Minyoung nodded, biting her lip“But..what if they don’t understand? Or I don’t understand.” 
“You’ll just have to tell them. We’ll guide you anyway then later you’ll be used to it.” Mingi patted her head chuckling as Minyoung took the phone to order.
Minyoung called the shop and waited nervously for them to pick up the call. “Ah. Hello. I would like to order. Yes. The address is KQ Entertainment. I’d like 4 orders of chicken and 3 boxes of the pizza special. I’ll pay with my card. Thank you.”
“We have a special promo for today..” as the staff went on to explain Minyoung looked towards Jongho for help in a panic as there were a lot of information being relayed in a short time. The other members let out a laugh, particularly San and Wooyoung who were laughing as if they were having the time of their lives. Jongho decided to step in and finish the order for the girl and patting her back after.
“You did well Youngie-ah.” Mingi chuckled patting her head “That was good.”
“The look on your face!” Wooyoung who was still cracking up at what happened managed to say in between his laughs
“Yah yah. Stop it. She did well.” Mingi defended her “I’d imagine the same would happen to us if we were abroad.”
“Should we not let them eat?” Jongho said grinning. Minyoung looked as if she was thinking about it, evoking laughter from everyone other than San and Wooyoung who suddenly stopped and argued that they can’t do that.
(End of Flashback)
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It has been six days since the members left for their family homes, six days since Minyoung had the dorm to herself. She had already done everything she could think of to stave off boredom. She was able to talk to her family through video calls, meet up with some of her highschool friends who didn’t have a busy week, and managed to watch dramas and movies that she wanted but unable to due to their packed schedule. She never knew that a week could be a long time when you don’t have anything planned.
The quiet dorm, although Minyoung appreciates how relaxing it is, makes her miss the members and their antics a lot. It was to the point where Minyoung even thought that she wouldn’t mind Wooyoung and San teasing her about the most random things.
“How should I spend the kill time tomorrow?” Just as she thought that, her phone dinged indicating a new message.
(ATEEZ groupchat)
San: Minyoung-ah, are you home? Minyoung: I am. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ Minyoung: Why? Did you have something that will be delivered today? (・・ ) ? San: Can you open the door for me? There’s a lot for me to bring up. Seonghwa: San, you went back early? San: I did. Mom scolded me when she found out Minyoung spent the holiday alone and told me I should have asked her to come with me. Wooyoung: My dad told me off too. He even said I should just go back after spending a day at home. Jongho: I asked her to come with me but she didn’t want to. Minyoung: How could I? It’s a rare holiday, I didn’t want to intrude on your time. |・ω・) Minyoung: Hold on. Let me open the door for San-oppa. Jongho: I told you my mom has been asking me when you’ll come visit. Seonghwa: I’m also on the way back already. Wait for me and let’s eat dinner together.
Minyoung went to get the door and helped San place his bags on the kitchen table.
“My mom packed a lot of food for you. She said you should come with me next time instead of staying here alone.” San handed one of the bags to Minyoung with his mom’s note for her
“Omo. I should thank her. I definitely want to come see where you grew up oppa. I’ve always been curious about it too.” Just then, the chime of their door being unlocked sounded making the two look at each other as if asking who else returned early “Oh! Welcome back. Yeosang-oppa, you also returned earlier? Why?” Minyoung gasped in surprise as both Yeosang and Seonghwa walk in together.
“I didn’t have anything else to do at home so I figured I should just go back and accompany you. Then I saw Seonghwa-hyung outside the door.” Yeosang explained as he went to his room to arrange his stuff.
Seonghwa patted Minyoung’s head as the girl gave him a hug “Yunho said he’s almost here too so let’s wait for him so we could eat together.”
“What is this?” San bursted out in laughter as he was checking his phone
“What happened?” Minyoung asked trying to take a peek
“Everyone’s returning today.” San showed Minyoung their group chat
(ATEEZ groupchat)
Yunho: I’m almost there. There’s some traffic but I’ll get there in 15 minutes Seonghwa: Have you had dinner? If not, we’ll wait for you Yunho: Not yet. Alright, I’m almost at the intersection. Hongjoong: What is this? So is everyone returning today? San: I’m already here with Yeosang and Seonghwa-hyung. Mingi: Did you guys talk about this? Hold on. I’ll get ready and go too. Jongho: Already on my way when Seonghwa-hyung said he’s returning today Hongjoong: Okay. I’ll head straight to the dorms then. I’ll just finish this song. Jongho: You’re at the company Hongjoong-hyung? Hongjoong: I am. I didn’t know how else I’ll spend the rest of the break and I had an idea for a song so I might as well work on it as soon as possible. Wooyoung: Wait. Σ(□_□) Wooyoung: Everyone’s back? Wooyoung: I’m going too! ε=ε=┌( >_<)┘
“Everyone’s going back today? Wahh” Minyoung exclaimed glad that she’s finally have some company. She has to admit that even if their dorms could be as chaotic as could be, she missed spending time with her members. All of ATEEZ realized how glad she is with how bright her smiles are and how she plays along with all the jokes and teasing.
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“So? When will she visit again? It’s been a while since I last saw Minyoung. Bring the others with you too.” Jongho’s mom asked for the nth time during their dinner the first night of his holiday
“I already asked her. She said she’ll visit next time.” Jongho shook his head laughing “Are you sure I’m your son? You’ve been asking about Minyoung this whole time!”
“It’s just she’s still a kid. She’s the same age as you and I can’t help but worry for her. You even said she didn’t have any close family in Korea. So I’m worried.” His mom laughed as she explained trailing off before his younger brother suddenly piped in “Mom is always talking about Minyoung-noona with the other aunties.” and his Dad adding in “They all want to see her. I’m surprised your mom hasn’t visited your dorms to see Minyoung.”
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ATEEZ Minyoung Masterlist
Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. Any portrayal of real people is a combination based on what we could see on cameras and imagination of the author. This is purely fan fiction written for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.
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Writing Beary Corner
This was actually supposed to be a short post in chat format lol but I again went overboard and wrote a whole thing for it haha! thats my excuse if it seems random lol
and i need serious help with titles. ack
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magnumdays · 4 years ago
Magnum PI 3.13 - Cry Murder review
I’m not sure I need to say something about this episode. I mean you all saw it. It was just good. Frankly all of season 3 serves a ‘Atta girl’. You're going above and beyond. And this episode... pure gold!
Seriously I had to think for like 5 minutes for something to put on my 'like less' points because this was fantastic (and that one thing was ‘where my Ferrari? I luv Ferrari, me wanna see rarrri’ uhm yeah, my brain is part fluffy baby mush currently, you have been warned this review might be a tad bit off)! 
Every moment was on point. We got 2 adorable story-lines and a good case. 
Because it’s the least exciting and I’m feeling contrary, let’s talk about the case first. Because this could the start of a beautiful and lucrative friendship...
You see some insurance companies have “recovery specialists” inhouse and some hire PIs for bigger claims / stolen stuff / prove their clients are lying. Insurance companies, as mentioned on the show, also have money. Like lots. (Trust me, I worked as a temp at an insurance company and the money they throw around is ridiculous.)
If the show was smart they could have this lady be regularly brining them cases to do with weird insurance stuff. It could make for some pretty interesting conflict further down the line too because they’re helping the fat cats suddenly rather than the underdogs.
(I’d also like to point out that they actually stopped/ revealed a planed insurance fraud so they should still get paid a chunk for that, different firms have different policies but they should get more than their daily rate + expenses. Just saying.)
Also I want more of the cute insurance chick looking at Magnum all 'he’s fine' and Higgy not liking it. Seriously, if Ethan is going to stick around into season 4 Magnum needs a faux love interest too. 
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Even though this episode wasn’t very case focused, what we got was fun and a little twisty and just a good backdrop for the rest of the stuff. Of course they had to throw in a murder but still PI appropriate. I wish they’d do more smaller cases where no one dies or a million dollars is missing (more kind of Burn Notice inspired) where maybe the cops can’t help because the case isn’t ‘serious enough’ but is still ruining the person’s life.
Next up is Magnum getting his finger stuck in the mouse trap, telling Higgy about his pet mouse and then at the ends Juliet giving Magnum a mouse! Roberto the II! Does it get more adorable? IDK.
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I love how Higgy is trying. She’s not quite sure how to express herself or how do thing always because she’s so out of practice and probably never had to before (quite the Magnum makes her want to) but she really cares so much even though she’s piss poor at expressing it sometimes. 
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Them talking about wanting kids themselves was just... come on! Don’t make me want babies ever after for these two anymore than I already do!  Also two instances of Magnum/Higgy being mistaken for a couple and this lady thinking the baby is theirs? If season 7 don’t end with these idiots married and expecting a baby I will seriously strangle someone. 
 Other golden nuggets in this episode
Juliet singing and playing peekaboo on the phone.
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Hiapo’s mom being “they seem like a really nice couple”
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(”Not a couple?” #shook.)
TC + Rick being the cutest with the baby! Rick making a baby carrier thing from a backpack? It was just so perfect! As good as shopping cart for a stroller! 
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Magnum and Juliet actually being out of breath after running (!!) 
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(because authentic! But must have been totally weird to film because how do you fake being out of breath? Run a block before each shoot?)
and the heart-eyes. So many heart-eye moments this episode.
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The whole gang saying they want to keep being part of Hiapo's life and then more heart-eyes! 
I really do hope we get to see Hiapo in the next season, even just for a minute. Same with Roberto the Mouse. But they have been a lot better with continuity and bringing things back so maybe!
Yeah. This was possibly one of my favorite episodes of late. It was also on my wish list for season 3 (a baby/kid episode)!
Only minus I got for today is the fact that title is a little lackluster and I missed the Ferrari (but the Porsche is nice too!). I'd love to have a scene of Magnum trying to put the baby seat in the Ferrari and Higgy being all. "That's not going to work." (fic idea...)
Also next week promo is kind of vague and the summary (“A psychic hires Magnum and Higgins to prevent a murder she claims to have foreseen... ....and Higgins struggles with whether or not to tell Ethan the truth about her past”) makes me think we’ll get at scene or two with Ethan but let’s pray we’ll get mostly our faves bickering about psychics, how predicting the future is impossible and them talking about whether she should or not tell Ethan about her spy life! 
I wonder if she really will, because next week is the second to last of the episode (OMG only 2 more episodes of Magnum this season? How will I survive?). If she is supposed to ride off into the sunset with Ethan (or start to and then change her mind?) they can’t really have him be all that upset about it? Not that I think he would but maybe it would throw him for a bit of a curve ball since I figure Richard would be one of the things she told him about... 
Also wondering how it will come up? I’m picturing them walking along a dark street after a nice dinner and a guy tries to rob them (at gun point) and Higgy does a ninja move and takes his gun and is all “run along now before I shoot you” while Ethan does a Surprised Pikachu face. Then Magnum calls with a case and she’s like “Um, gotta go, we’ll talk about this later alright?” #IGotMyPrioritiesStraight
Last thing, bummer about the MacGyver cancelation. Selfishly (because while I like MacGyver, Magnum is my baby) I’m thinking this ups the odds of Magnum getting season 4 (and it does look kind of hopeful from what I was seeing on insta/twitter from someone higher ups, right?) I still signed the petition for season 6 for MacGyver because they deserve at least a last half season to wrap it up nicely!
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1ddotdhq · 4 years ago
🍷Thurs 29 Oct ‘20🚙
Cam’s song Changes (written by Harry along with country singer-songwriter Lori McKenna and producers Kid Harpoon and Tyler Johnson) dropped in some parts of the world this morning, and it is LOVELY! It is a twangy country song about growing up and getting out of your hometown and seeing the world change and you with it. I really think Cam buried the lead when advertising this song, as the best lyric is clearly, “I was falling in love in a back seat, giving it away like my heart won’t ever break. Had such a young heart drinking cheap wine…”. Hmmm...does this sound familiar to anyone? Of course it does! Fans had a great time comparing this song to Fearless and We Made It (and, honestly, yes. I agree). But that is not enough music news for Harry: SiriusXM started releasing videos of Harry’s New York performance in February (whoa a lifetime ago), including Kiwi, Golden, and Lights Up. The performances are, as always, ELECTRIC, and I can’t wait to be able to see them live, eventually.  
Zayn is back and he’s posting Better promotion on instagram (the song, not like...he’s doing a better job...oh, you know what I mean). He hasn’t blessed us with any more covers since yesterday, but he’s active, so I think we’ll be hearing more from him very soon….Maybe some of those songs he registered last month? Please???
All I want for Christmas is...for Liam to branch out and add Tech Expert to his resume alongside ‘YouTuber’ and ‘Tik Tok sensation’? Well, maybe that’s a hyperspecific demand, but it seems like I’m in luck! Liam will be joining the speaker line up of Web Summit 2020, which is a program which “brings together the people and companies redefining the global tech industry”. Liam *is* a recording tech expert, but that’s probably not what they tapped him - this is likely to do with the way he is putting on consistent and quality virtual concerts in a way that has massively transformed the potential for fan engagement in socially distant times. Congrats, Liam, because you’ve worked really hard! And he’s not done working! Liam took to instagram to call fans “detectives” for figuring out that his Christmas collaboration was Dixie D’Amelio, and promising “fun” leading up to the Holidays with “Dixie and her family” (uh, do you think that her parents are gonna be involved or just her super successful 16 year old Tik Tokker sister Charlie?). Anyways, as much as I would LOVE to say that we are indeed detectives (because we are!) , the credit for letting the cat out of the bag this time goes to Dixie herself, who posted a Tik Tok of her singing the song. This, on top of the speculation that already existed, was all the confirmation we needed to know what was happening. Liam also filmed a few episodes of a podcast Happy Hour with veteran YouTuber JaackMaate on his show, where he and his friends chat with people about their jobs and their lives in a relaxed way. And! If you bought tickets to LP Act 3, check your inbox - Liam has sent information on how to access the concert, and also some pre-emptive tech support links. I don’t know if that’s a good sign or a bad one.
Niall was, again, very busy with promo, appearing on Live with Ryan Secrest and hitting all of the Royal Albert Hall talking points we’ve been hearing, but he also took the time to interact with fans on Twitter! He tells us that he’s not going to be doing anything for Halloween (“can’t go anywhere in big groups”), that he loves Bruce Springsteen, and that he’ll do a live striptease if “Slow Hands” passes a billion streams by next week. Look, I know I keep saying this, but, uh #PLEASEdontstripitdownNiall. BUT! Do show us more of your skincare routine, which is what he did on insta: he posted a pic of himself in a facemask saying, “You’ll all be saying after RAH, ‘Niall you were glowing!’ and I’ll say… ‘I know’”. 
And, Louis showed us how quickly he works when he has a goal in mind: after the unfortunate matter of merch shipping only to certain regions of the world yesterday, Backstreet Merch (the company in charge of his stuff) quickly took to twitter to say that, “We will be expanding our shipping zones to all of South America and India...within the next 48 hours.” And that’s exactly what happened! Not only that, Central America and Singapore are also on the list (catch ALL OF MY FAMILY rocking their Walls merch), although Mexico is not, and Backstreet Merch has said they have no current plans to ship to Mexico, which, hmmm. But look, I just gotta say that in 48 hours, Louis listened to his fans who have supported him (he sold out TWO stadiums in Argentina!) and quickly made his merch more accessible. Honestly, I love this man. And those countries certainly deserve it – can your country say Walls was its best selling album last week? Argentina can! Both Harry albums and Heartbreak Weather were also in the top ten.
However, I may have said good riddance to Celebtm too soon ( :{( ). TMZ has picked up their second mess of an article and is now distributing that. On top of this, Michael Straus has contacted both Judge Judy and the People’s Court to see if they can get some cable airtime and settle the small claim on TV - which, to be clear, Briana has to agree to, but it seems likely. Celebtm (despite saying yesterday they weren’t going to report on this until January when the court case happened, okaaaay) made a statement telling Briana to take the TV offers seriously so that Louis’ “child support” (quotes theirs, not mine) wouldn’t go to her legal fees. They went on to say, “We only see #onedirection here. To #EndIt on television and win your freedom to love ❤️ again with the next victim. Thank you #1DFamily for supporting #louistomlinson during these chaotic #1D times”. We DO support Louis, which is more than I can say for celebtm. It might bring a little thrill to see a media outlet proclaiming End It, but is it a good thing for Louis? No. This is happening because of the response they're getting and unless someone makes them (mark this down cause you won't see me saying this usually but omg LTHQ will you please get in here and shut this talk down?) they won't stop with this nonsense (see: yesterday's Larry Stylinson article) until the fans stop cheering them on. Speaking of nonsense on Instagram, Lou the golden retriever, the influencer dog fans headcanon-ed was the one HSHQ posted, decided he wanted a piece of the pie and has joined the swollen ranks of accounts falsely claiming a connection to Harry. There are many, including deuxmoi who post an endless stream of made up stories, but also the occasional credible sounding fan report such as yesterday's of Harry at a gym in the UK, and, um, WOW! It’s one of those fitness classes where you alternate your running pace to accelerate your heart rate, and the fan account claimed that Harry’s base pace (that is, comfortable running pace) is 10 mph, which is a 6 minute mile, or a 5k in 18 minutes. Uh, WHAT?? Guys, that’s it: I’m officially a stan, I love this man, and I want to go on a run with him.
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sailorsophiee · 4 years ago
the relationship dynamics this episode! not you and zack miss jenn! but the ones in our main theater group! and how they all focus on different parts or tropes of a relationship
nina and richard
i personally think nina being on her own and then that talk with miss. jenn during the snow storm is why she’s become more independent. i can’t remember if they’re sophomores???? but now, at least where i’m from is where they start drilling it into your head that you have a future to think of, it’s time to start being independent and finding what you want to do! and that’s exactly what nina has done for herself, and she loves it! she’s starting to realize not every minute of every day needs to be spent with ricky, or the fact that she needs to do certain things to make him happy (pineapple pizza fiasco) that is great and the love the slow decline of their relationship, cause i could never stand them as a couple. ricky…now i’m not gonna give him a lot of flack (even though i can’t stand him as a character) cause he is struggling right now with so many different variables, but the one thing that is the same (or was) is his relationship with nina! everything has already changed so much between the two of them, and he’s begging for that one thing to stay normal. though i can completely understand that want in life, that doesn’t give him an excuse to be a complete dick half the time as thats (as we can see) tearing them apart faster. (he’s also not that big on communication, unless it’s not with nina) so i saw this tweet and i think it’s really important to hear, as i relate too it a lil too much ricky will always love nini, and nini will always love ricky but it’s okay if they fall out of love and end up with someone else. if i had to give rini a trope, i wouldn’t because i don’t think they really fit into any of them (not even the sad ones) the relationship stage, the last part of falling out of love. if we get anything from this breakup that dear god i hope happens, both should be single!
ashlynn and big red
i love these two with my whole heart, because them and seblos have just been great! especially with communication! them fighting in the latest episode well, it broke my heart. i know i previously said antoine had done nothing wrong! but he has, with hitting on ashlynn (even after she said she was with big red) and then making fun of big red! #notcool! for them, i think this is more on big red’s side, i don’t know if he heard the conversation between the two, but it seems like he did after being compared to every “conventually attractive male” in the show. that would hurt! that would hurt anyone who’s ever has had to deal with self esteem! ashlynn sees this, and even feels sorry for her poor choice of words at the end and does want to talk to him! big red is now trapped in that hole think ashlynn wants something more, which is clear she doesn’t! so looking at the promo it does seem big red wants to just forget it ever happened while ashlynn bringing it up hurts! no trope once more, but i had to be a stage of a relationship, probably, this is one of our first conflicts (they had the one at valentines, but you get it) and i do want to talk but i’m scared. they’ll be okay :)
gina and ej are
after some critical thinking i think i still ship these two in theory, like a au type of thing like they bump into each other in the future when they’re both in college! so yeah! besties for now, lovers in the future! on their relationship, this episode (they’re here cause let’s be real probs is gonna happen, with the current set up) i like that if they were to ever really get in a relationship they’d seem like one with good communication and the one where it just feels like a friendship but with cuddling and kissing. we don’t get much of them but from what we do see, these do clearly trust and find comfort in each other. honest to god last season when we got wonderstudies i really just said “i love a good theater friendship” i didn’t expect a full blown possible relationship. i think in contrast to everyone, because they have this friendship right now with a great bond and #communicationskills something that so many people in this show lack! y’all i can’t stress how important it is!! trope! for them! two! best friends to eventual lovers in ze future and right person, wrong time (in the sense they’d get together in the future
sebbie and carlos
disney said “that’s enough representation for today” after the quinceañero episode. our power couple has once again been put in the background (for the most part, i just don’t expect any major plot lines for them) because we never get much with them (unfortunately) i have no choice but to say perfect
if there are any takeaways from this is definitely just communication (though i know it can be difficult for teenagers, but still very important to at least try) :D this took me like three hours for the sole reason after coming back from work i passed out.
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years ago
4. Making friends 101
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Genre: Yoongi x OC
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3.4k
“Have you decided what you’re going to wear to this thing?”
I nearly jump out of my skin as a wild Sebastian wanders into my room. I’m still a little on edge from the stalker a few days ago.
“What thing?” I ask, folding my clothes as I repack my suitcase. We’ll be heading out tomorrow morning bright and early for Hong Kong. It’s quite the trip from Paris, and I wish that we could have scheduled things out a bit better. We’ll be in Asia for the next three weeks before having to turn around and come back to Europe.
From there, we’ll finally head back to the states for the final stages of promotions and the premier. Nobody was too happy about the revised schedule, but neither did they dare pass up extra promotions in Asia thanks to a certain K-pop group.
“You know...this festival we’re invited to.” Sebastian makes himself comfortable on my bed, smirking at my agonizingly organized suitcase. “Don’t tell me you forgot.”
As if I could forget about that. “It’s my most reliable source of anxiety, what would I do without it?” I chuckle sarcastically as I struggle with a thick sweater that refuses to lay flat.
The film festival has been on my mind quite a lot since I first found out that we were invited to it. While now I know what really happened; that it was Kim Seokjin that invited me and not Min Yoongi, I still can’t help but feel a pang of fear every time it’s brought up.
Really, the topic of what I’m going to wear to what may be the most awkward meeting of my entire life is at the bottom of my long list of worries.
“I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to wear.”
I raise my eyebrows at my friend. This is the most he’s hung around me for the past week, and I welcome the promise of banter. Heaven knows I could let off a little steam.
“Oh? Do tell.”
Sebastian stretches like a cat on the bed and I giggle at the sight. His eyes light up when he looks at me, imagining what else he could do to make me laugh.
“Here’s what I’m thinking. People over there are...stylish. Like, they wear edgy cool clothes all the time. So I’ve got to represent, you know? I’m thinking of raiding Saint Laurent or something in preparation for this festival. It sounds like it’s a pretty big deal over there. There’s bound to be lot’s of people.”
It’s not very often Sebastian gets super into fashion, but when he does, it’s a guaranteed laugh for everyone involved.
“Saint Laurent? That’s your whole paycheck, buddy.”
“Hey! Don’t ‘buddy’ me, you little weirdo. If you’re nice to me maybe I’ll take you along.”
I roll my eyes at his offer, however tempting. “No thanks. I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard, you know? Everyone is already expecting me to be tripping over my feet the second he walks in-”
“He? C’mon, Car. He’s not Voldemort, you can use his name.”
I flush when I realize that I’ve been purposefully avoiding speaking about Yoongi directly.
“Whatever. What I’m saying is that it’s already awkward enough. I don’t want to show up looking like a girl getting ready to go to her first prom.”
“Nonsense,” Sebastian hands me another sweater when I reach for it. “More like your second prom.”
He’s met with a sweater to the face.
“Shut up, you’re not even helping me with anything. Why are you in here?”
Sebastian makes a show of folding my sweater. “I’m in here to make sure you’re getting ready to leave tomorrow and that you aren’t passed out on the floor from anxiety or something.”
I wince from the unspoken words. Like before.
“Yeah, I’m ready. And I’m fine.”
He doesn’t look all that convinced, but lets it slide for now. “You know, things are only going to get more intense in Hong Kong. The closer we get to Seoul, the more intense things will become.”
“Not. Helping.”
I wish Sebastian didn’t have to be right all the time.
The second we get off the plane, it’s a madhouse. Like a literal madhouse. People are shoving, cameras flashing, and the questions are being yelled right into my ears. They’re mainly in English, a few in Cantonese, but there are quite a few in Korean as well. It’s easy enough for me to drown out the latter language, but the ones in English do their job well enough.
“Cara! Cara! Have you been in contact with Suga?”
“Are the two of you attending the festival together? What are you going to wear?”
“Just give us a smile, Cara! Cara!”
We don’t have a lot of security, only about three guys. Soon enough they’re surrounding me, and I am being moved along within a sea of black clothing and mumbled orders. I’m just able to crane my neck to see Sebastian pushing through the mess of reporters, tugging Rhea along behind him. She catches my eye contact and waves me forward.
I fight against the pang of guilt that hits me as I realize that this is all because of me. Never did I think that things would get this bad. I never thought that I would have to be surrounded on all sides by bodyguards.  
By the time we’re shoved into the car waiting for us outside, I’m out of breath and so is everyone else.
Sebastian and Rhea share my car with me. I’m not sure whether I should try to sleep or apologize or resign-
“Cara?” Rhea’s hand grips mine as she gives me a reassuring squeeze. “You ok?”
I give her a shaky nod. “Y-yeah. I think I’m fine. We’re just going to the hotel, right?” I give out a sigh of relief when she confirms. Good. I could use a bed right around now. Especially because we spent a good chunk of our flight going over the promo schedule for Hong Kong and it looks like it’ll be pretty much nonstop starting tomorrow morning.
I hate to ask, but I also know that if there’s another stalker waiting for me in my rooms I won’t be able to sleep at all, no matter how tired I feel.
“Could we...check my room-”
“Already on it,” Rhea says with a sympathetic smile. “I sent a couple of people ahead of us to check all the rooms out. They should be done before we even get there, no worries.”
I relax a little, thanking her for her foresight. We fall into a groggy silence after a bit, the car ride from the airport to the hotel being about thirty minutes. Hong Kong is small, but it’s packed. With it comes traffic and bright shiny buildings that I can’t help but gawk at.
For living in the big city of Seoul for two years, I can’t help but be amazed at big cities like Hong Kong. They never get old.
I’m so distracted by those shiny buildings that I almost don’t notice my phone lighting up with an incoming call. Its vibrations finally pull me from my daze, and I smile as Bong-cha’s photo smiles up at me.
I took the photo for her on her first day of school after she changed programs. She’s grinning like an idiot in front of an intimidating building, holding up a big thumbs-up. Bong-cha has always hated the photo. She says she looks like a kindergartener on her first day of class. I agree, which is why it’s my contact photo for her. Purely just to piss her off.
“Wow the love of my life is calling me again? You must really miss me.”
Bong-cha’s laugh is either a beat too late or a touch too loud, but I notice it immediately. The knots in my stomach that were just beginning to untie themselves suddenly tighten up again.
“Yah, have you landed?”
Oh, right. I was supposed to text her when I landed. “Umm...yes. A little while ago. We’re in the car now.”
“I knew you’d forget to text me. You always do.”
“Hey, that’s not true! And you can’t blame me this time. The airport was a mess. I hardly had enough time to whip my phone out and text you when people were trying to claw their way down my throat.”
Again, she’s a second late in responding. “It was really bad, then? I was worried about that. You have bodyguards, right?”
“Yeah, we do. Just three, though. I felt bad, I had to ditch the rest of the crew to walk between the bodyguards. Everyone else had to fend for themselves.”
Now it’s silent for more than a few seconds, but something that sounds like hushed voices breaks it.
“That sounds hor-”
“Bong-cha, what’s going on over there? Are you at work or something?”
It’s as though I break some sort of spell, because suddenly a laugh tears through the silence, but I know it doesn’t belong to my friend.
Last I checked she doesn’t sound like a windshield-wiper when she laughs.
There’s something about it that has me furrowing my brows in a mixture of confusion and anger. Rhea and Sebastian share a look, not entirely sure what’s going on in my conversation but understanding my expression.
Bong-cha is in the middle of trying to explain. “Well, yeah, I’m at work. We got to talking about you traveling today and the boys wanted me to call you and check in on you and-”
“Am I on speaker phone?” Again, silence. I’m getting real sick of the silence. “Kim Bong-cha, I swear if you put me on speaker without even telling me, I’m going to catch the next flight to Seoul and-”
“Aaand there’s the Cara I know and love!” Bong-cha interrupts, confirming my fears. I’m definitely on speakerphone. “Please, we both know you’re too busy with work to come over here, even if it’s for a good cause like the one I’m sure you were about to explain. Also, the boys say hi.”
The boys. She says it so casually, as if we all went to high school together and are just checking in with each other to see how life has been.
“The boys? Like, all the boys? Also, you only called me because they told you to, and not because you were genuinely concerned for me? I see how it is, Bong-cha. That’s low.”
Before my friend can defend herself I hear a voice that sounds too much like a certain Kim Seokjin.
“You’re right, she is funny!”
I snort, fighting the blush on my cheeks. Am I really on the phone with BTS? What world is this?
“Is that Seokjin?” Even just saying his name makes me feel like a giddy middle schooler.
“Yeah,” Bong-cha responds.
“Well, you’d better watch out Seokjin. Once I’m done beating Bong-cha I’m coming after you.”
“M-me?” Jin has the sensibility to sound a little scared. “Why me?”
A dry laugh sounds, but I can’t tell who it belongs to. Few others have such a distinguishable laugh as Kim Seokjin.
“Bong-cha told me that it was you who started this whole mess with the film festival! Do you know how much anxiety you’ve caused me?!” My anger from this entire mess infuses me with more boldness than I could have mustered in this situation otherwise.
There’s some scuffling noises on the other side of the line, followed by a few grunts. Jin shouts in disdain.
“Yah! I was just trying to help! You’ll be thanking me!” A door slams, blocking out any further shouts from the man. I can’t hide the grin that splits across my face as I imagine what must be going on over there.
“Ok, he’s gone. I’ve banned them all from this room for the duration of this call.” Bong-cha reassures me. “I don’t have a lot of time, but I was calling to ask you something, actually. Don’t feel any pressure, but I think it may help relieve some stress on both sides-”
“What are you getting at, Bong-cha?”
She takes a deep breath. “Is it alright if I give Yoongi your number?”
My jaw falls open. I’m about to freak out when I realize that there’s a small chance that somebody may still overhear me on the phone. Barely composing myself, I respond to my friend, ignoring the obvious shake in my voice.
“Does he actually want it? Because it sounds like all of this has been thrown on him as much as it has me.”
“Er...yeah. He wants it. He was trying to ask about you today, but in that way where he doesn’t want it to look like he’s asking about you, you know? So I finally told him that he should just get your number so he quits bothering me about it. It’s been like this all week. So I figured I’d just give it to him, if you’re alright with it?”
In most situations, I know what to say. I’m usually pretty good at coming up with something to say in order to keep the conversation flowing. Maybe when Graham Norton dropped the bomb on me about Yoongi, I wasn’t the best at it but I at least inserted little comments here or there.
Now, I’m not really sure what to say anymore. It seems that the second I begin to relax and feel like I’m finally getting a handle on this, something happens.
It’s that same fear that I’ve had since I was a child kicking back in. It seems silly, in a time like this. I’m a completely different person since then, in a completely different environment. And yet, that fear that I’ve carried with me all my life comes bubbling back up to the surface.
“Bong-cha…” I struggle to keep a neutral expression as I’m aware that I’m not alone in the car. “I’m not very good at making friends.”
Any other person would be quick to jump in and reassure me. Any other friend would race to recall experiences that would prove my claim wrong.
I guess that’s why Bong-cha is my best friend. She doesn’t do any of those things, instead quietly listening and thinking before she responds.
“You know, Cara…” she begins in a sincere tone. “Maybe that’s not the point. Maybe you’re not meant to be amazing at making friends. But you’re really good at letting people be friends with you. Which, honestly, is a talent. A weird, obscure one, but a talent nonetheless.”
What’s meant to be a laugh comes out more as a sigh of relief. Bong-cha always knows what to say.
“I’m going to do some research on that talent, because I’ve never heard of it before.”
“So...are you alright if I give it to him? I think he wants to just apologize to you more than anything. I swear he won’t be weird with it.”
I chew on the inside of my cheek, mulling it over. Honestly, at this point, what do I have to lose?
“Yeah, go ahead.”
I’ve barely lugged my suitcase inside and collapsed on the bed when the first text comes through. I immediately jump up, senses on high alert. It would be a lie if I said that I haven’t been on edge just waiting for my phone to ding ever since I got off the phone with Bong-cha. Bracing myself for the bite of disappointment when it’s the “Young Rising” group chat, my heart nearly stops when I see it’s an unknown number. 
UNK: Is this Cara? 
UNK: This is Bong-cha’s friend, she gave me your number.
“Ah, he’s smart,” I note as I realize he didn’t give me his name just in case he mixed up the numbers. I quickly save his number in my phone, the action making me feel a little strange. 
ME: Yes, this is Cara. 
I overthink the four-letter message for way too long before I press send. I sound cold, but I don’t know what else to say. It doesn’t take long for three dots to appear on the screen. 
“Oh, no. He’s typing. What do I do if he’s typing?”
 I’m ashamed to admit that I consider chucking my phone out the window for more than thirty seconds. Only the ping of my phone stops me in my train of thought. 
MYG: Have you made it safely to your hotel?
I blink at his message. The fact that I really don’t know this man at all is hitting me like a ton of bricks. He seems kind though...from the twenty or so words he’s typed. That’s all you need to judge someone’s character, right?
ME: Just made it, actually. 
Pausing, I quickly type out a message before he can respond.
 ME: No need to worry
Well, if this isn’t the most dry conversation the earth has ever witnessed. I cringe when I see the three dots pop up again. He’s probably thinking the same thing and is looking for a quick way to end this entire conversation. 
MYG: Good, although I think I may need to worry. It sounds like the airport was out of hand today. 
ME: ...were you eavesdropping on my conversation with Bong-cha?
MYG: Speaker phone doesn’t count as eavesdropping.
ME: It does if the person doesn’t know she’s on speaker!
I have to wait nearly five minutes before he responds again, and the tell-tale ping of my phone has me rushing over to where I left my phone on my nightstand, leaving my toothbrush on the bathroom counter.
MYG: I’ve thought about it, and I think I need to apologize for eavesdropping on your conversation with Bong-cha earlier today.
 ME: That was easy.
MYG: I think I’ve made things difficult enough for you, don’t you think?
Huffing out a laugh, I nod in agreement. 
ME: You have.
When more than ten minutes pass without a reply, I convince myself to take a shower. Then I persuade myself to stand in the shower for more than three minutes, even though I’m itching to see if he’s replied yet.
Fifteen minutes later there’s still no reply. Cozying under the covers I stare at my phone, answering a text from Bong-cha asking if Yoongi has texted me yet.
Even though I’m a fan of the band, I can’t say that I’ve ever really gone out of my way to learn a lot about them. Beyond the music, I know very little.
At least, that’s the excuse I give myself as I watch video after video about Suga: the biggest baddest soft boy in the universe.
It’s nearly two in the morning before I force myself to put my phone down and get some rest. The thought that maybe my text came off more harsh than I intended it to has crossed my mind several times, but it’s too late now to try to take it back.
It’s nearly four in the morning when the sound of my phone vibrating drags me out of my slumber. Groggily, I reach for my phone, hissing as I hit my elbow on the nightstand.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I groan, squinting at my phone. “I swear, if it’s Bong-cha at this time of night…”
MYG: I’m sorry.
MYG: I’m trying to fix this, thank you for being so kind and patient. Things will get better.
MYG: You don’t have to come to the festival, just so you know. Let me know, and we can cover for you somehow. Make up an excuse. Don’t feel like you have to come, or even speak to me. I’ll understand.
MYG: Sorry for texting so late! I just realized what time it is. Go to sleep. Sorry if I woke you up.
MYG: Sorry.
I’m caught between feeling choked up about the apology and trying to even wrap my mind around the fact that Min Yoongi is up in the middle of the night typing out an apology text to some girl he’s never met.
“Who even are you? Who does this?”
Hardly trusting myself to write back a proper reply, I squint into the screen as I hesitantly type letter by letter. Writing in Korean at four in the morning is not one of my strong points.
ME: I think I’m more exhausted by the amount of times you just said sorry than with what time it is. Go to sleep, Yoongi.
It takes all of thirty seconds for a reply to come through.
MYG: 😅 I guess good morning, Cara.
ME: Good morning, Yoongi.
I fall asleep watching the three dots on my phone appear and disappear as Min Yoongi ponders what next to say in this unlikely forming friendship.
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cozyforjate · 4 years ago
MacGyver 5x03-Review
MacRiley fam, this will be my last MacGyver review. Thanks for the support and the great feedback on my reviews so far. You guys are awesome! But i’m taking a looong break from this show. I’ll be watching the Jack episode and if we get a Bozer, Matty or Riley centric i’ll tune in to watch. But my passion and excitement for this show is mostly over now.
I have so many things to say about 5x03 but if i start to express all my feelings i’m afraid i might break Tumblr. LOL 
This probably wouldn’t feel like a proper review coz i’m gonna focus on the RETCON that the writers pulled out of their asses to keep MacDesi together.
Ok so for people who are not familiar with the word “retcon”; it means changing an aspect of a fictional work by introducing a piece of new information, typically used to facilitate a dramatic plot shift or account for an inconsistency.
The writers usually pull a retcon, when one aspect of an already canon plot isn’t working well. You can call it a “fix-it” method.
In terms of MacDesi, they retconned some moments from season 4 that defined this relationship. I think the new showrunner and the writers team realized that MacDesi has become quite “toxic” during season 4. But because the additional episodes kept them together, they needed to at least fix this relationship.
From their POV it’s understandable to a degree. But from a viewers POV it’s total BS. Because what we watched in season 4, can’t be changed.
We remember the unhealthy dynamic between them, we remember the lack of trust between them, we remember how incompatible they were, we remember how they couldn’t communicate with each other, we remember Mac not letting her in emotionally, not opening up to her at all, we remember how much they BOTH hurt each other, we remember Mac’s own words on their relationship.
Most importantly we still remember 4x12. How quickly Desi turned her back on him, how she brought his mothers and aunts names into their ugly fight, how Mac said he’d say anything to get her off his back, we remember how she and Russ left Mac no choice but to improvise a plan to save lives, we remember Riley risking everything to protect him and be there for him. WE REMEMBER.
So when you dismiss all of that and re-write MacDesi as if they’re this great couple, it’s not going to work for people. And when you tease MacRiley the whole week with promos, exclusive pictures, articles, SM promotion; promising progress between Mac and Riley only to walk over everything that made them special, you get a lot of NEGATIVE reaction from the fans. With good reason.
* * *
Episode started with Mac and Riley on a picnic mission. The scene was amazing in every sense. The colors, lighting, the conversation between them, the almost kiss, the way Mac held Riley and they lied down for a while, the smug smile on his face and the looks he gave to Riley were all awesome! The car chase was super fun too!
But then everything went down the toilet. Coz in the next scene Mac was complaining to Bozer about how Desi wasn’t spending time with him and avoiding his date attempts. In this scene they retconned Bozer too. For the first time, Bozer encouraged Mac to go ask Desi out and fix their relationship.
Normally Bozer would never do such a thing. Why? Bcoz he’s been against a romantic relationship between them ever since Desi first showed up in 3x14. Bozer thought it was a bad idea from the start, called them Mesi (messy), he didn’t think it was a good idea to bring Desi back on the team in 4x01, coz MD break up was NUCLEAR. So up until 5x03 Bozer was never on Team MacDesi. Lets also remember this exchange between them:
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In 4x12 when Bozer was trying to save Mac and Riley’s lives, he turns to Desi... 
Bozer: Desi, back me up here.
Desi: Sometimes we need to sacrifice the things we love for the greater good.
So after 4x12, one would only expect that his thoughts on MD would get stronger. But guess what? Bozer is now supporting MD. Just like that. I don’t buy it writers, sorry.
Back to the scene… Mac wants to go on a date with Desi. And he is so desperate about it. We had to witness one of the most awkward scenes between them. Not only that but we had to sit through Riley throwing smiles at MD, saying her feelings for Mac was just Codex adrenaline. Riley, who couldn’t watch any interaction between MD, is now totally cool with them!
And lets just say that Riley was pretending she’s over Mac, that she lied to Bozer bcoz she’s trying to move on. We already watched her having feelings for Mac, hiding those feelings and pining for him. Her one-sided love can’t drive the plot anymore. 
Besides she didn’t need to give her blessings to MD. It was an overkill. I really hated the scene where she says “Don’t screw up this time” to Mac…That was totally out of character for Riley.  
Riley who reminded Desi that Russ & her were gonna nuke them,
Riley who said she went after Mac coz she trusted him &asked Desi "Why didn't you?",
Riley who risked it all to protect Mac, tells Mac not to screw it up with Desi.
By saying those words, Riley makes it known that Mac was the one screwing up his rl with Desi. Desi had no fault. Once again the writers used my favorite character to prop my least favorite character. Shame on you!
I’m not gonna talk about every MacDesi scene in this episode. But let me just say that the writers turned Mac into a desperate, begging, lovesick puppy. He asked Desi for a date like 5 times, apologized twice. Kissed her out of the blue. Bcoz lets face it, that scene was so unnecessary. Nobody was onto them, the police car was passing by slowly and if the police were really suspicious, why would they look at the couple kissing instead of checking who’s in the car? So stupid. Oh and while they were kissing for minutes with great lighting and all, General Ma escaped. Mac acting this stupid, is not something we are used to see. But what you gonna do? I guess love is not only blind but also destroyes brain cells in the process.
Anyway, Mac literally begging Desi to go on a date with him was agonizing to watch. Every time he offers a new dating idea, Desi’s answer is NAH. Back in the picnic scene she made it sound like she wanted to date Mac, but of course she needs to make him suffer first!
I only like to point out the scene where Mac –finally- opened up to Desi about the fishing trip he and his father went together. This story is obviously precious to him. He called it a happy memory. Clearly he misses his father, still mourning for his loss. So he shared his happy memory and asked if she would like to go fishing with him. Desi’s answer? “Not gonna go fishing with you as our first date!” You can read the dissapointment on his face. And my heart breaks for Mac but this kind of treatment is something he’s asking for.
He is desperate to get Desi back. The fact that they are the worst match ever, doesn’t change sh*t. Mac wants Desi and he loves Desi for god knows why.
Btw- the whole “lets blame only Mac for Codex and ignore Desi’s wrongdoings” plot is disgusting. Yes, Mac suffocating Desi and Russ to escape Phoenix with Scarlett was wrong. Yes he hurt her, yes in a sense he betrayed her. AND HE APOLOGIZED. But what about Desi? What about her betrayel? 
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First they made Riley apologize to Desi for following Mac and now they made Mac apologize… But no apologies from Desi. The writers are obviously worshipping Desi and they’re ready to sacrifice every character to make her look “perfect”. I’m sorry but i’m not here to watch the Desi show, or more MacDesi nonsense.
Mac said Desi is the woman he loves… but not only that, she is also the woman who guided him back. And the RETCON is really strong with this scene.
Lets remember…
In 4x08 Mac loses his father, at the end of the episode Desi wants to go with Mac but Mac stops her, telling he’d see her tomorrow.
In 4x09 Desi says he can share his burden with her, Mac’s not interested, he says what he needs is to stop Codex.
In 4x10 Mac makes apocalypse kits for Riley and Desi. Desi’s so happy she got a crossbow and didn’t think those kits were a bad sign. But Riley notices that Mac is not in a good place, he needed help and support. Riley shares her concerns about Mac with Desi. She probably thinks it’s not up to her to be the one doing that when Desi is the girlfriend. So after her conversation with Riley, Desi makes soup and gives Mac a compass. Saying he’s not lost (he clearly was tho). She askes if everything’s ok, he looks different but Mac says, he’s just tired.
In 4x12 Mac is lying in bed, lost in his own mind, he gets up, leaves the compass on her side of the nightstand… On the run he ignores Desi’s calls.
Then things get really ugly for MacDesi. Desi says “You are so drunk on somescrewed-up cocktail of your mom, your aunt, Codex science...”… She says “You're compromised”…  Mac was just trying to get Scarlett on their side to stop Codex but Desi couldn’t see it. She thought Mac was losing it!
And then Desi sides with Russ and turns her back on Mac. Russ dismisses Mac from the Codex mission. Mac's forced to improvise. Bcoz he wants to stop Codex without bloodshed.
So as you can see they completely re-wrote the events of 4x12 to fix MD.
Desi says: “I had front-row seats to the war that raged in you last year, and I can't do that again. Lose you.”
She was ready to sacrifice him for the greater good. But yeah, sure! Why not.
Mac says: “Des, I know it looked like I was lost, but you were there the whole time, guiding me back home.”
In 3 times she “tried” to be there for him, Mac didn't let her in emotionally but lets just say that she brought him back to his senses.
Lets just say that the compass he left on her side of the nightstand represents that it guided him back. (btw lets also ignore that the compass Mac gave Desi back was a different one. Who knows, maybe he threw it in the garbage during the pandemic and bought a new one)
Lets just forget who really brought him back. Lets just ignore what Riley did for Mac. How she saved him, how she was the one who risked everything for Mac. How she was the one there by his side when they were facing a missile.
Only if we forget and retcon history we can all buy MacDesi. 
But i can’t… I can’t forget, i’m not ok with a retconned half-ass love story that they want to sell with MD. I can’t sit through the episodes and keep watching the “flawless Desi” show.
This show isn’t entertaining to me anymore. I can’t recognize Mac, i’m pissed that my fav characters are being used as tools to prop Desi.
One last thing before i say my final goodbyes:
The lighting in this episode was so weird. In almost every scene, heavy light effects distracted me. Usually they use it when they show you a flashback, a dream or a hallucination to seperate the real-time scenes from others. But this episode had them from the start to the end. So i don’t know what to make of this.
Some of the dialogues had subtexts…
Leland to Russ: Now, I know you don't care about much in this world, but even the best of us can be blinded by those we love.
General Ma to Mac: I was blinded by him (Leland) once. I-I won't be blinded again.
Mac: Many things blind us. Anger, betrayal, even love. But sometimes, a little blindness can work to your advantage. You can create a fog that will cause the world around you to disappear.
Normally i would dive deep into the subtextland. But i don’t think the writers were trying to give some deep message or anything. 
I do believe that Mac is totally blinded by his “idea” of love… But i’m done waiting for him to open his eyes. The Mac i watched in this episode is not My Mac.
Writers made their choice. They made Mac's feelings crystal clear. He's all about Desi. At this point, Desi breaking up with him would mean nothing to me. Just like Riley still having feelings for Mac means nothing anymore.
Official accounts tweeting “There’s more to come for MacRiley” means nothing to me anymore.
Noone wants a rebound plot but unfortunately it's the only possibility they left to MacRiley. My ship is tainted forever. 
And as a Riley stan, i don’t want this Mac with my girl. She deserves better.
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whencallstheheart · 4 years ago
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We’ll find out tonight if our predictions are correct! 
Responses to the written questions are under the cut.
Where is Ned and what is he doing?
No idea
Business trip
Dealing with some financial issues.
Doing business in UC or Hamilton. Nothing major
He stayed behind next episode and will be back in the finale.
I think planning something for Florence, maybe expansion for the mercantile?
I don't know
I have no idea, wth!?!?
Yo i have no idea. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say he's trying to contact Florence's daughter who wasnt there for the wedding
Maybe he's visiting his daughter? Or expanding the Mercantile somehow
With Mike. Oil pipeline
It sure
I have no clue honestly, maybe planning a surprise for Florence?
Perhaps...expanding his store? Or ordering something new to begin to be shipped to his.
something related to factory
Sussing out suppliers
Maybe something to do with the Wyman guy?
visiting his daughter
Buying a new house or a surprise for Florence
Visiting Abigail
Planning something special for Florence
He is doing something with his daughter
No clue
With his daughter
Planning to expand the mercantile to include deliveries (Hope Valley Amazon) lol
Not sure
I really dont know!
Made out a Will since he now is married to Florence
Business in Union City
Business, but he’ll be back
I don’t Know
I dont know. This one threw me!
Literally have no idea
maybe he will come back with his daughter who will come to live at HP
some sweet surprise/gift for Florence
He is involved im some growth in HV.
Taking care of business.
He's making a business deal somewhere
I have no idea. I think it was a weird to put in o.O
Making purchases for the store.
Business stuff somewhere
I don't know
i don't know
ned things
He just took the long way home...
Adopting Flo's son
He is picking up a surprise order gift for Florence, and it’s taking longer than expected.
Fighting attempt to take over mercantile
Talking to a divorce lawyer. Or putting a pillow over Abigail's mom's face so she can bury her already and come back to Hope Valley for his buddy Henry's sake.
Honestly I’m not sure but interested to find out!
Idk honestly. Probably actually doing something sweet for Florence but she doesn't know it.
What's up with the Pinkertons?
Not sure
A storyline to bring a change of pace to the show.
I really Don’t know
Not sure, but I don’t think it will be resolved this season, maybe it’s the cliffhanger?
I don't know
They’re hired thugs like they were in S1, just there to show Walden is a bad guy despite appearances
Factory related
Up to no good! Don’t trust them.
Yo i dont even know. They look totally sketch but they are probably the good guys actually. I'm predicting they are after someone who's been wanted for a long time. I think it may be too easy to link them with the guy who took Jesse and Clara's money
Not sure yet
Working for Waldon
Sneakily buying land
I couldn't care less about them
Perhaps something is in the cabin/someone they don't want found.
No idea
Something to do with the mine disaster (even though it's been ages).
we will see in season 9
Setting up a good storyline for season 9
Not sure maybe something to do with the new factory that might be built
Maybe it has to do with Henry
I have no idea, but I do not like them!
No good
Buying all the land
They have Jesse. Someone wants to reopen the mine and seek revenge on Elizabeth for his son going to jail (Spurlock).
Looking for some kind of hidden good
Shady dealings going on
Guarding the future factory site. But something extra at the cabin connected with Spurlock.
An even bigger I dont know on this one. Like, what in the world???
Holding Jesse captive
I think they kidnapped Jesse because he found out what they were up to but I have no idea what that is
stumped on this one
That is difficult. He is apparently connected to S1 Spurlock. Is he there for revenge? Or, just a heavy hand like his relative?
Revenge? They want to take over Hope Valley.
Something sketchy, probably bigger than just whatever is going on with the cabin though.
Land grab
No clue but they'll be one of the big bads next season
They are probably the goons of the Industry dude
They are working for somebody bigger.
They want to take over the town
I don't know
i'm worried about Nathan
idk they are the bad daddys of the season
they can only be there to cover up a crime, or some valuable find
No clue
They’re wanting to uproot Hope Valley for better business by destroying the town.
Keeping identity of mastermind safe from townspeople.
Maybe looking for Ned, who alternatively is a serial killer and now on the run. Possibly for the murder of Abigail's mother?
I’m so confused lol
Creating a monopoly & doing some villain nonsense (as it would seem the show is hinting).
Any other thoughts going into the finale?
There will be at least one surprise- not sure what
There are too many loose ends to tie up in one episode and I just want Elizabeth and Nathan together (and perhaps quickly married in this episode!)
I’m honestly really nervous, I’m rooting for Nathan but I have a feeling she’ll go for Lucas, I really don’t mind Lucas as a character but like what storylines can they do with them as a couple? The manuscript is finished, they’ve gone on every sort of date at this stage and she’s been in his office. What else can they do? With Nathan they can do the being scared because of his job again but making it different, there’s children involved now, it’s not just Elizabeth. Jack won’t understand but Allie will 100% feel worried for him. Also Allie having a mother figure, especially at this stage in her life, how could you not want it! The blended family as the main family would be so nice for this show, I know it’s been done before but they will be fairly front and centre in the show. Sorry for the rant, I love your blog so much! I don’t have tumblr so I can’t leave comments or like your gifs but I thoroughly enjoy all your theories and opinions!!
Just ready for this stupid love triangle to be over!
I’d love to actually see Henry meet up with Abigail, but doubt it. I hope they have Clara do something heroic for Jesse, but also doubt it. Henry will definitely be putting Hickam in charge at least temporarily. I think Ned will return but we won’t get a full explanation yet. And the dramatic ending won’t be the triangle choice, it’ll be Elizabeth losing the school.
Allie’s adoption finalized and reaction to Elizabeth choosing Nathan is something we should see.
Glad the triangle will be DONE!!
I hope that Elizabeth follows her heart and not pick someone who is a safe option.
I wish Faith were leaving instead of Carson. Also, I think there will be lots of set up for problems with the school board and Elizabeth. Also, I want more little Jack scenes but i don't think we'll get much since child acting laws and covid combined make that difficult
Excited for Elizabeth to move on from her past and enter a new adventure with either of the two men and really just everything else (Rosie and Lee, Fiona, Henry.)
I hope Faith doesn’t end up with whoever doesn’t get chosen by Elizabeth.
hopefully the finale will clear up the drawn out love triangle
The triangle was waaaaay drawn out. Be done and choose.
Nathan and Faith......would be great......
No matter who Elizabeth chooses I'm SOOOO READY to get this over with!
Kindness matters - no matter who she chooses. Isn't that why most of us watch the show
I am so over the love triangle and just want to know who Elizabeth picks.
Worried about the fandom more than anything
Elizabeth please pick Nathan
It's just a TV show and no matter what , it's there for our entertainment. I do think they're setting things up for the return of Abigail in some way.
The must be a Season 9!!!
I hope Fiona does not get involved with Mike.
Hopefully things get back to normal for Elizabeth and Rosemary
Interested to see the other storylines. I want Elizabeth to choose Nathan but I think JT will throw us off. From the promo pic, it looks like they will try to put Faith with Nathan.
- I just want Elizabeth to chose so that this storyline can come to an end and we can finally get to see her marriage and functioning has a wife. - Wonder what will become of Lucas once her choice is made. - I would like Lucas to have a proper storyline that doesn't involve Elizabeth or the love triangle. - I would love to see Rosemary and Lee finally become parents however that may happen. I feel like the writer just left them in limbo about it and keep teasing but never delivering on anything.
Hopefully will end with Nathan but the very last minute. I would prefer more romance before the finale
Elizabeth will have to decide on what’s important with school.
Jack might make an appearance in a dream scene?
So excited! I hope I don't wake up my kids while watching.
I hope they don’t pick Lucas
Just excited for this to be over. I know we needed it and I think overall it was handled decent enough, but I'm glad to finally move on.
Why is everyone so scared?
The whole season has been about getting over your fear. Elizabeth doesn’t have to deal with her emotions or real life with Lucas because school is out for the summer and she is working on her book. She needs to make up with Rosemary and get over the loss of Jack and fear to be with Nathan.
this season has been totally not what I expected...I thought the hug at end of season 7 was definitive and we'd get at least some Nathan courtship, not a complete U-turn to Lucas (with hopefully a turn to Nathan at the very end). I now think Season 9 will be what I expected season 8 to be, and I am very much looking forward to that.
Something sudden will allow Elizabeth to bring her feelings to light for everyone...Nathan. I think she will have decided by the time she takes of the rings, but will not have the opportunity to share with the man until later. Until she faces the prospect of him being in danger again? Full circle from the end of S7.
I need Elizabeth to really apologize to Rosemary. Rosemary has always been there for Elizabeth.
I’m so afraid :(
Hated the triangle
I am so ready to finally move on from this triangle!
They put waaaay too many storyline in the last 2 episodes, they will never manage to conclude them all and we'll have another weird random cliffhanger which will not tie in with the Christmas episode (If we're getting one ?)
I hope the guy who loses, has a good life in later seasons
The annoying love triangle will finally end. Elizabeth/Nathan are endgame, unless Jack suddenly comes back from the dead. But, I doubt it. I hope Lee/Rosemary are pregnant, or decide to adopt children. I just want Lee/Rosemary to have children. Can't wait to see how this season ends. Hopefully, it won't be a cliffhanger.
Nervous as hell
Elizabeth and Nathan get married
i kinda hope someone dies tbh it would make everything more interesting
Elizabeth was so tiresome this season, they could have told her story of overcoming grief in a much more relatable way. Why did they not just have her talking to Rosemary about how sad or exhausted or numb or angry she feels all the time? You know, something a widow would actually go through. At the very least she could have been stoic, instead she was just kinda bitchy.
Faith and Nathan will have some sparks; Elizabeth will choose Lucas and they will kiss twice one being at bridge one being at her home inside with baby jack present.Carson will leave; Jessie will be found; Ned will come back safely.
Lucas endgame, Nathan and faith have sparks, Rosemary paper, Jessie and Clara make up.
I think Henry will take his own advice and leave to find Abigail to see if there is still any hope for them. Though I like his character, I want him to finally be happy, and if that means staying with Abigail, then that’s what it means. I don’t think TPTB will bring back Lori soooo.... that means Henry would be the one possibly leaving. I also think some scare will happen with Nathan between him and the Pinkertons. Then it may come full circle at the end where Elizabeth runs to him like she did last season, but instead of hugging him, she’ll kiss him instead.
Hallmark execs dictated ending and will cut salaries to bring back Abigail, hence Paul leaving.
My condolences to whichever guy gets to look forward to being bored by Elizabeth for the rest of his life. Are we sure Jack's death wasn't a suicide?
Ready to see how it ends and already looking forward to next season!
I will be really disappointed if she chooses Lucas but I’m afraid that’s where it’s headed. Either way I don’t understand how they’ll end in “the healthy place” they’ve said it will be with so much left for one episode.
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peepspersonalperspective · 5 years ago
MY PICKS: Top 10 K-Dramas
Disclaimer: These are totally subjective choices and I've justified them as per my preferences. Consider them friendly recommendations and let me know if you disagree. Also, I've discovered the wonderful world of K-Dramas over the last couple of years and they've really evolved not just in storytelling but also production value so I personally prefer the more recent ones. So for example I haven't put a very popular pick like My Love from the Star simply because I've seen better stuff since (don't shoot me). Anyway, 가자!
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This is my first recommendation for anyone who's just starting out watching Korean television content simply because it's so different from what new viewers expect it to be. It's so gripping and thrilling. I would expect nothing less from Song Jae Jung's writing.
So it's a sci-fi show, set in Spain, about an augmented reality game, that seems to have physical implications in the real world, sending the lead, Hyun Bin on a rollercoaster ride to find answers. Exo's Chanyeol has a recurring role as the game developer, so that's exciting too. I learnt that he was cast because of his love for PubG. Lol.
Every episode will leave you wanting more, and you'll find yourself as desperate to search for answers as Yoo Jin Woo (Hyun Bin).
Granted, mid season, it gets a little complicated, especially with newer nuances of the game unfolding, but fret not because the characters are discovering the secrets of the game with you. So they're as confused as you would be, and that's why this show is so good! More so because the graphics are excellent! You can tell they really spent money on ensuring high quality work. You will really feel like you're part of the game with Yoo Jin Woo.
Anyway, if you are an EXO-L, or you like gaming, sci-fi, thriller and Hyun Bin, this show is great!
2. W - Two Worlds
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Another piece of awesome from Song Jae Jung. I would still rank this show a little below Alahambra, because I think the makers made improvements from this sci-fi drama in Alahambra, in the sense of storytelling. Still, W is just as intriguing.
Oh Yeon Joo (Han Hyo Joo) gets sucked into a comic book where she falls in love with the lead character of the comic book, Kang Chul (Lee Jeong Suk). Sounds like a typical romance drama right? Don't be fooled because there are many many twists and turns along the way.
I feel like there is metaphor in there somewhere about existentialism, the creation and destiny. But maybe that's just me reading into things.
Lee Jeong Suk is extremely desirable as Kang Chul, unsuspectingly charming and endearing, and Oh Yeon Joo is an absolutely relatable character, and how she deals as an ordinary girl thrown into extraordinary circumstances is genuine.
I would say this drama is wholesome, with sci-fi, suspense, thriller, action, romance, filial relationships, and more. And while it's usually difficult to jam pack all this into one show without screwing it up, W emerges exceptional.
3. Extraordinary You
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This show is so cute! If you want just a light hearted, quirky show, this is the one for you.
It's about characters in a cartoon becoming aware of their existence in a cartoon. But don't worry this is NOTHING like W.
The best part about the show is that it's not about the main characters of the said cartoon. It's the story about the extras finding their way in that world, hence the pun intended in the title. The main characters (of the cartoon) are actually the most dull, because they are bound by the laws of stereotypical high school romance. But the real stuff is happening on the sidelines, with Kim Hye Yoon as Dan Oh and Rowoon as Haru.
Dan Oh is a hilarious character and Kim Hye Yoon does a fantastic job of switching emotions when she's in and out of a scene in the cartoon. One minute she goes into character mode, next minute she's bitching at the sorry fate of her character when she wakes up, to the astonishment of the characters surrounding her (who aren't aware of their reality yet).
Rowoon has a quiet charm about him that perfectly complements Hye Yoon. Check it out for a chuckle and a taste of something different.
4. Crash Landing on You
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This show is hard not to like. Apart from the poorly picturized tornado carrying our leading lady over the border to North Korea, this show is a wonderful Netflix and Chill kind of show, I think.
The cultural disparity between the South and North is interesting to watch and also entertaining. Like when they mention buying mobile games at an App store (a literal application store in a Pyongyang market).
Ri Jung Hyuk (Hyun Bin again) and Yoon Seri (Son Yejin) are such a delight in comedic, romantic, and dramatic scenes. But the scene stealer for me was Yang Kyun Won as Pyo Chi Soo, and his unshakeable nationalism that he is ready to set aside for some shampoo and conditioner.
The interesting thing is going into the show, you have an idea of the longevity, so ofcourse, Seri's journey back to the South ain't going to be easy, also her relationship with Ri Jung Hyuk is doomed, and yet you find yourself rooting for them at each step, crying with them during their failures and crying with them even in their triumph. But the most tears were shed for the least expected character, who simply left us all heart broken.
5. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo
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In a world where women are expected to behave and look a certain way to be considered attractive by someone they're vying for, here's a food hogging, tomboy, weightlifting champ, with her first crush.
The premise may rope you into the show, but midway you realise that the heart of the show is in its characters, and without realising you become so invested in them that you feel their fears, insecurities, and cherish their victories with them.
This coming of age show really relishes on the quirks of each character, friendship, love and aspirations. It's not a very dramatic story which is probably why it didn't rate very high during its broadcast, but that's part of its charm, and that's why it's been able to gather a significant cult following since.
Lee Sung Kyung and Nam Joo Hyuk portray the most sincere friends and eventual couple. Their relationship blossoms in the most organic manner and it's so heartwarming. They're not cheesy or unrealistic; they even beat each other up! I don't think I've seen that level of comfort portrayed on screen so well before.
Watch out for guest appearances by Ji Soo and Lee Jeong Suk.
6. Strong Girl Do Bong Soon
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I'll be honest, this recommendation is mainly for Park Hyung Sik. He's amazing in the show. And there could be no better supernaturally strong petite girl than Park Bo Young, either.
So there are actually a lot of things happening in the show, story wise, but I promise it all comes together in the end. There is quite a build up and I'm happy that it pays off adequately.
This is like a superhero show with all the spices and flavours of a Marvel movie, but K-Drama style. There's an invincible villain, some idiot gangsters for comedic value, romance (a love triangle infact), functional training, a point of lost hope for Bong Soon, and then her resurrection as a superhero.
It's all there, and more.
But Park Hyung Sik.....
7. Itaewon Class
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This recommendation is simply for the refreshing change of representation on TV. I know a lot has already been spoken about it already, but I have to admit that that's what sets this revenge drama apart. That, and the music. Dayum, Start by Gaho is so catchy! And let's not forget V's Sweet Night.
This show starts off slow but give it 3 episodes before it gets to the real shit.
Park Saeroyi is almost too good to be true, and in that lies his shortcoming. His character is so strong that while watching him I forgot that Park Seo Joon was acting. And despite some unnerving moments I found myself rooting for him. He has some strong motivational lines too, like about his choice for a better life. His determination is almost unreal, as he goes on to take down his mortal enemy.
Some of the best scenes, though, are of Jo Yi Seo (Kim Dami), a sociopathic enterprising genius. She was the one who actually kept me hooked to the series. She added some much needed flair to the show, and as it appears to Park Saeroyi's establishment.
Actually, every character was strong, every character had a strong backstory and motivation for the action, and most importantly they never broke character.
Watch out for Park Bo Gum's special appearance.
8. Love In The Moonlight
Speaking of Park Bo Gum...
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This show is all kinds of weird in the best way! A girl pretends to be a palace eunuch and falls in love with the crown Prince. That is so messed up!
But that's the fun part! And Park Bo Gum and Kim You Jung make it a wonderful ride. Full of quirky romance, political conflicts and hidden identity issues, this show is addictive af!
And even though this wasn't in the show and was just a promo, be sure to watch Park Bo Gum's Bombastic dance. It's adorable!
9. The Third Charm
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I'm sure this is my least popular recommendation. But something about watching this show was so cathartic. I highly recommend it for those who may have gone through heartbreak ever in their lives.
This is probably one of those rare times when I was lost in the story instead of Seo Kang Jun's eyes. Hehe. This story is about an on again off again couple and their journey through life together and apart.
This was meant to be a healing drama, and it really does take you through the emotional evolution that comes with growing up. I think it's the perfect medicine for a healing heart.
10. It's Okay Not To Be Okay
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This show! This is my current obsession. Kim Soo Hyun's comeback couldn't have been more perfect. Seo Yeji couldn't have been a more perfect casting. And the two leads couldn't have had a better chemistry.
This show is all kinds of whimsical and I love it. Also a healing drama, this show deals with.... Baggage....to put it simply. Some baggage may be bigger than other baggage, some even irrevocable. But seeing all the characters overcome this baggage is so fulfilling.
But the charm of this show is in Ko Moon Young's (Seo Yeji) craziness and the Tim Burton-esque setup, that really makes one perceive fairytales in a whole new way. I mean I always knew that fairytales were sanitized German folklore, but I never thought to find a very different messaging from the material. The parables are ingenious, and it really is a pleasure to watch each and every person on this show.
Special mentions: Goblin, Reply 1988, 30 but 17/ Still 17, My ID is Gangnam Beauty, Hotel Del Luna
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shinymooncolor · 5 years ago
For my fellow Sweater Weather fans ❤️ @lumosinlove - thank you!
Kudos to @frombeauxbatons for helping me with Finnish.
@wxlfstxrx and @siriuslyqueer love youuu 💕
Sweater weather chats #10
The team goes to Vegas. Kris gets a new phone. Olli speaks Finnish. Remus and Sirius are in their honeymoon phase. The team dads ship it. Kasey gets cuddles. Logan gets lost. Leo is mad. Everyone bets on Sergei. Dumo is not a fan of Russian cheering during sex. Will we ever find out about Prague?
Wednesday 9.22 pm
Eliascookie: eyyy fucking love wifi in the air. 🤪
Dumodad: shhh someone is trying to nap and you guys are loud 🥴
Logantremblayzzz: sorry grandpa. Not all of us are old and cranky.
Sergei_81: careful I fight people for you
CarbO’Hara: and we love you dearly for that. But no denying you and dumo are old and cranky. You could literally both be Leo’s dads
Ollibear: he looks more like sunny and sergei’s baby than dumo’s
Blizzard: ohhh a love triangle 🙊😳
Sunnysideup: as much as I love sergei, I wouldn’t get between him and dumo. They’re the bromance of our gen :) also not my type
Kaneyoudigit: yeah. Where does that butt slap come from anyways? Even when one of them is out or injured they find time for that 👻
Bradygunz: I don’t think anyone understands it... where does it come from? Something about Prague - Allison was super cagey about it.
Dumodad: shhhh let us sleep. Night boys. Got another few hours and practice tomorrow is not optional. Sleep.
Nadotheman: VEGAS BABY
Krisvolley: practice and a game Nado.
RussianGod: DONT be boring krissy
Friday 12.33 pm
Remus created a group chat
Remus added Dumo, Sirius, Sergei, Sunny and Krissy
Remus named group chat HELP
Remus: okay boys. Sorry for this but I’m a little worried. We’re in Vegas and with a whole day of no games and only practice tomorrow once we touch down in LA, I can’t keep an eye on the entire team.
Dumo: haha dont worry go have a nice date with cap. God knows he’s cranky enough that you were away for that course for three days.
Sunny: don’t worry I sleep with ear plugs anyways 😜
Remus: hey we have separate rooms!
Krissy: wE hAvE sEpErAtE rOoMs....... it’s ok remmy 😉 cap plays better after you do whatever it is you do.
Sirius: alright stop. I wasn’t cranky. And leave Remus alone. You’re supposed to be the mature ones. Also Krissy?
Krissy: yes. I got a new iPhone and made the mistake of asking timmers and Olli to help me set it up on the plane. Now I can’t get it to change back. They set it to Finnish. Have no fucking clue and haven’t managed to get hold of Olli yet. 😳😳😳😳
Sergei: cap and re go enjoy honeymoon we take care of babies
Sunny: 😜😜😜😜😜 enjoy it while it lasts. Before you know it’s chores, babies and using alone time to catch up on sleep
Dumo: yeah. Don’t take your blissful kid free life for granted. 😈
Krissy: didn’t Logan and the other two walk in on your guys doing it in the kitchen last month?
Dumo: so?
Sergei: haha just kitchen? I’ve caught them worse. Is ok. You understand when you have babies. 😆
Krissy: I have a baby. I’m just single 😫😫😫
Sunny: want us to find a girl for you?🤓
Krissy: no thank you. Leave my sex life alone.
Sergei: u even have one?
Krissy left the group chat
Dumo added krissy to the group chat
Dumo: Sergei is sorry......... also he walked in on us maybe 5 times calm down. There’s nothing like Russian cheering to kill a mood....
Sunny: 5? That can’t be right. You were bunnies when she was pregnant last. I saw things I cannot unsee 🤯🤯🤯
Sirius left the group chat
Remus: you broke Sirius. Anyways I’ll leave the babysitting to you guys then.
Friday 2.54 pm
Logantremblayzzz: guys I’m lost. I’ve been walking towards that big pointy thing and the map from the hotel is crap and I got away from finn and he’s not picking up
*picture of map*
Blizzard: Logan.
Blizzard: how the fuck have you lived to see 23? 😆
Logantremblayzzz: oh. That makes more sense. 🙈🙈🙈
Newt-leo: what do you mean you lost Finn? Are you both lost somewhere in Vegas? Just use your phone and get back to the hotel...
Blizzard: Finn left his phone here in the room😂😂😂 better send out a search party
Logantremblayzzz: well I don’t know what happened. I can’t find him now. 😭
LeWilliam: There’s literally one strip of road in Vegas and you’ve gotten lost. 🐸
Dumodad: I swear to the fucking hockey gods we were never this stupid. Idiots. Get back here for 5, and we can go have a team dinner for those who want. Sergei is buying
Evanderbell: ohh @tylerthemighty and I are in!! Thanks @sergei_81!!!
Sunnysideup: he’s sleeping? Hahahah he’s gonna be unhappyyyy 😂
RussianGod: hehe thanks we’re play too...
Nadotheman: he means game. But yeah. Free dinner 😎
Prongstar: I think this one @logantremblayzzz has to go into the promo videos hahahahah 😂😂😂 I’m telling Marlene.... 😘
Ollibear: is anyone looking for Finn?
Newt-leo: yeah me and @krisvolley are going out now
Friday 3.44 pm
Logantremblayzzz: I was lost too! Not my fault you wander about
CarbO’Hara: I was talking to a puppy and when I got back up you were gone 😔 didn’t have my phone. Had to ask two Cher’s and an Elvis how to get back. 😫
Newt-leo: you’re back at the hotel now?
CarbO’Hara: yes. Forgot my phone.
Walkietalkie: uhhh someone is in the dog house 😂😂😂
Nadotheman: bad fish... no goalie love for youuu
Blizzard: I can cuddle ya Finn. No worries. 😘😫😘
Logantremblayzzz: you’re not cuddling Finn. Go cuddle Nado if you need to.
RussianGod: come on blizzard. We do goalie sandwich 🥪🥪🥪🥪
Blizzard: gimme five minutes boysss 😍
Krisvolley: we’re heading back now. You’re paying for our cab Finn. Leo is really mad 😉
Friday 3.52 pm
Timmyforrealz: awww 😍
*nado and Kuny cuddling blizzard in a goalie sandwich*
Ollibear: there’s a lot of bromance in my room right now. 😂
Walkietalkie: at least they’re fully clothed. 🤞🏻
Friday 6.33 pm
Dumodad: yes you are. It’s your turn. 😘
Sunnysideup: u know it. It’s the deal. Shouldn’t bet if you can’t pay up.
Sergei_81: is thanks I get for fighting for you all.
Sirius: you keep bringing that up. But you love fighting for us. We love you for it 😜
Dumodad: haha cap’s got a point my friend. And you’re a glorious fighter. Haha your punches are feared through the league. Even the linesmen try to avoid getting between you and your victim
Nadotheman: you know there’s a bet in the league? First rookie to take you down gets a Rolex from a draw? Everyone chips in at draft? 😜
RussianGod: is true hehehe I put money in on never so I want watch
KrisVolley: was that an option? 😳 how did I not think of this
RussianGod: I’m smart just not in English. English stupid. Russian best 🥳
Friday 9.33 pm
Ollibear: Mä oon niin ilonen mut mulla on ikävä kotiin. Mulla on ikävä muumeja.
Ollibear: Ja mun äitiä.
Ollibear: Tykkään myös tosi paljon pannukakuista.
Prongstar: Olli.exe stopped working…….
Sunnysideup: eh anyone’s got an eye on Olli? He’s defaulted to Finnish… 🙊🙊🙊
Dumodad: @timmyforrealzzz @nadotheman @russiangod
KrisVolley: hahahaha Olli just had some shots. The waitress was making googly eyes at him and I guess he couldn’t say no 😆
Timmyforrealz: I think we should get him back to the hotel 😁😁😁
Nadotheman: not it!!!!
RussianGod: I got him. He dont walk
“Kuny, he can’t even walk”
“I’m got him. He very drunk. Hehe not hold liquor well for Finn. Is embarrassing” Kuny snorted and hoisted his teammate more firmly over his shoulder.
“He owes me $100 for bribing the driver to take us”
“Sä oot hyvä venäläinen. Et ilkee venäläinen. Tunnen pahoja ja ilkeitä venäläisiä.”
“Any idea what he’s saying?”
“Not sure is even Finnish. Sound like just words”
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bqstqnbruin · 5 years ago
Give your heart a break
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I did in fact scream about how much I hate and love the Bruins while in the middle of Kohl’s today, so there’s that. I also wore my Harvard hockey shirt again and another person asked me if I played for the team so next time someone asks I’m just saying yes.
This was requested ages ago (because y’all know I’m the worst when it comes to doing things in a timely manner), so I hope the anon who requested this likes it!
This was also inspired by Give Your Heart A Break by Demi Lovato!
You were on stage, loving the rush that every performance came with despite how tired you were. Now almost done with your second tour, you couldn’t believe this was your life. Your favorite song that you sang during this tour wasn’t even one of your own; Give Your Heart a Break was the only cover you performed. Every lyric seemed to mirror your relationship, despite being released before you were a teenager.
“Alright, we’re going to change things up a bit, and switch over to a song written by one of my favorite artists: Miss Demi Lovato. I hope you guys like it,” you say as the violin melody that provided the beat started to play, drawing out the sound of the crowd as you got lost in the song.
The day I first met you, you told me you’ll never fall in love. 
Singing the song takes you back to that night at the bar, out with your friends in your hometown. Your friend, Rebecca insisted you go out to this particular bar when she found out the Vancouver Canucks were going to be there seeing as she was slightly too obsessed with the group of men. You weren’t too invested the reason why you were going there, you just wanted to go out with your friends before leaving for what was going to be a way too long, three month tour around North America, your first one ever. 
“To Y/N and her tour!” Bex leads your friends toasting the first round, “let’s hope it’s successful so that when she comes back she can pay for our drinks!”
You roll your eyes, everyone agreeing as you sarcastically say, “Very funny.” They continue to banter, Bex with her eye on the hockey players sitting at the table across from yours. She was purposefully being loud enough for them to hear her say she knew someone going on tour, but that could mean a lot of things when you think about it. It was enough to catch the attention of some of them, causing them to look over and see what the commotion was about. But you weren’t too interested in anything. Leaving within the next week meant you had to focus on nothing besides your career. 
Your friends kept talking about how excited they were for you, but you weren’t paying attention. Only one of the guys at the other table had caught your eye: you weren’t sure if it was because he looked tired and like he didn’t really want to be there, sort of like you, or because of something else, but there was something that drew you to him. Apparently you caught his eye, too, since the two of you spent about five minutes doing what your friend would probably refer to as ‘eye fucking,’ even though you really hated that term. She would think that you were both mentally undressing each other, both of you fully aware of what was going on. 
You get up to get yourself another drink, praying that he would follow you to the bar. If he did, you would talk to him. But, no, you couldn’t start anything. Who the hell starts something and then leaves for three months? It’s not like you were the type of person who did a hookup, either, but who knows? No, wait. You were overthinking things, like normal. How the hell do you even know what he wants? You don’t unless he tells you. He had to follow you to the bar first. 
You order your drink, your back turned towards your friends and the Canucks. “Put it on my tab,” you hear from behind you as you’re about to hand the bartender your card. You turn around, seeing the tired boy standing behind you, trying to weasel his way next to you. “Quinn,” he introduces himself, “I hope you don’t mind. If you don’t want it I’ll just drink it and have you pay for another one.” 
You laugh at how nervous he sounds, introducing yourself and telling him it was fine that he was buying the drink for you. “My friends said next time I’m home, drinks are on me, so might as well save up while I can.” 
“You have that tour coming up, right?” he asks, you shocked that he would even know that before remembering how loud Bex was. Hockey players didn’t strike you as the type of guys to listen to your music, but then again, you remember Rebecca saying this team was watching Gossip Girl together, so anything was possible. “Sorry, I kinda listen to your music. What’s it called, the By the Book Tour?” 
You groan at hearing someone say the name out loud. “I really actually love that you listen to my music but it is so important to me that you know I did not come up with that name.” 
He laughs, starting a conversation about your music, his hockey, everything else in between. The conversation somehow managed to get really deep really fast. “Wait, but you have all those songs about being in love and the perfect guy and all that stuff.”
“Well, yeah, since I’m still new in the industry I have to write what sells and ‘build a fan base’ as my manager says before I can start writing what I really feel,” you say, rolling your eyes, “And I think I was in love and falling out of love when I wrote those songs, but I don’t know what real love is. You don’t know what it is until you actually experience it.” 
“So you don’t think you’ve been in love before?” he asks.
“No. Have you?”
He stops for a minute, trying to think before shaking his head, “Nope. I don’t think I ever will be.”
You look at him, shocked that he would even admit something like that to someone he just met. “Really? Never? You don’t think there’s someone out there for you that you could fall in love with?”
“Nah. Who’s got the time? I mean, traveling for most of the year for hockey? How can I? You’ve got to understand: you’re about to be traveling for three straight months and then who knows what comes next. How can you even find time for love?” 
“I don’t know,” you shrug, thinking about it seriously for the first time, “I think that,” you pause, trying to find the words, “I think that everyone is destined for love, regardless of how they get there. People who don’t want it might just be afraid of the pain that would come with losing it.” 
He looks at you, eyebrows raised, not like he’s shocked but impressed, instead. “I can tell you write your own songs,” he takes a long sip of his drink, finishing off the glass, “That was pretty poetic.” 
You look out at the crowd, knowing exactly where they were sitting. He had the biggest smile on his face, the other guys, surprisingly, looking like they were enjoying themselves, too. 
Now here we are, so close, yet so far. Haven’t I passed the test? When will you realize: baby, I’m not like the rest?
After a month on tour, one of your shows happened to be in the same town that the Canucks were playing that night, so Quinn had suggested you meet up after your show and his game for drinks. It seemed that a lot of your upcoming tour dates and his away games matched up, some sort of weird but welcome coincidence. 
“Hey, Quinn!” you say as soon as you see him, practically jumping up from the table where you were waiting for him. You two had been talking nonstop since the night you met, but his words always haunted you, changing the flutter in your heart when his name popped up to absolute heartbreak: he doesn’t think he’ll ever be in love. Especially when you were sure you were falling in love with him. 
“Hey, how was the show?” he says, wrapping you in a tight hug. Even after just playing a game, he smelt so good.
“It was fine, not one of my best, but hey, the fans seemed to love it. As long as they’re happy, I’m happy,” you say. The trust was, you were already exhausted. Before every show, it seemed like, you were doing nonstop conferences, photoshoots, other promos like meet and greets, having your manager talk to you about your set list as if it weren’t the same each night, rehearsal, sound checks, costume, wardrobe, and so much more. You weren’t sure you had more than five hours of sleep in the last three days. You weren’t exactly sure how you were going to keep up. 
“You’re exhausted already?” he asks, as if he were reading your mind. You look at him, confused how he could have known that. “Even under the makeup you’re still wearing from tonight, I can see the bags under your eyes. Look, they’re the same as mine,” he says, laughing, pointing to his eyes. 
“I just, I knew it was going to be hard, but wow, I never thought it would be like this,” you admit, laughing at how that sounds. Something worth it is never easy, so why should this be any different. 
“But you love it, so who cares?” he asks.
“Very true.” The two of you sit there in silence for a moment, surprised it wasn’t as awkward as you expected it to be. “Can I ask you something?”
“Are you afraid of love?” you ask, bluntly. But after that night you met, you had to know. It had been swirling around in your head the time. The more you talked to him, the more you swear you could see yourself falling in love with him if you could spend time with him, like you were right now, but was it worth falling in love with someone who didn’t love you back? 
He looks slightly shocked at the question, but you could tell it was something he had thought about before. “Well, I wouldn’t say afraid. I just don’t think right now it’s worth it. I mean, before I moved to Vancouver, girls would say they liked me because they thought I was going to be a professional athlete. So I would end up falling for them, then when I wasn’t in the NHL fast enough for their liking, they would dump me, and I’d be left just, standing there,” he says, not making eye contact with you. You can see his face getting red, obviously getting a little upset but trying to hold it in. “I mean, I don’t have time, you’re the only girl I talk to at this point who isn’t dating one of the other guys and isn’t my mom.” 
You don’t know why, but hearing that from him made you want to cry. Unable to look at him, you bite the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from doing that, pushing the food on your plate around with your fork. You were right there, constantly flirting with each other while you were on the phone, anytime Quinn was with the guys you could hear them teasing him about how excited he got when your name popped up on his phone, or when your songs came on the radio. Your band knew that when you were alone, you were probably talking to Quinn, getting to the point where they had some sort of code word to talk about you and him. 
You thought he liked you. You were so close to getting him, and you thought that’s what he wanted. If he asked you out on a real date right then, not just two friends getting together, you would say yes with no hesitation. When is he going to understand that you aren’t those girls from his home who would dump him when he wasn’t doing what you wanted him to with hockey? Who does something like that anyway? 
You felt like you were staring at him the entire time you were singing, knowing that he couldn’t take his eyes off you either. 
On Sunday you went home alone, there were tears in your eyes. I call your cell phone, my love, but you did not reply.
Another night on tour, another night where your schedule lined up with the Canucks away games. You had no idea where you were at this point, you just knew you were exhausted, leaving in the morning for the next city and planning on sleeping on the bus the entire time, praying there was no reason for anyone to bother you when you arrived in the next city Sunday night. After the show, Quinn had invited you out again, the guys celebrating some big win that you didn’t know the significance of. You really didn’t care that much, especially since it was something that made him happy, so you went along and met him anyway, despite the fact that your veins had more coffee and energy drinks coursing through them than they did actual blood. You were getting there after the guys were, trying to find their table. The bar was crowded enough as it was, trying to find them taking way too long.
“Where’s that singer girl?” one of them asked. You still didn’t know his teammates well enough by name to know who said it, all you could tell was that he was blonde.
“She should be on here by now,” Quinn says, checking his phone to see if you had sent him anything. He had no idea you were a few feet away.
“Look at Huggy bear, already whipped by a girl he won’t close on,” another one teases.
“Ok, first of all, I am not whipped. She’s my friend. Second off, we will not talk about her like that, regardless of if she’s coming here right now or not,” you hear Quinn trying to defend you, even though the boys kept teasing him about you. Whatever, part of your career was criticism, this was just part of it.
You finally make your way through the people to get to the table, Quinn’s eyes lighting up when he sees you. You had to admit, you melted a little seeing him, despite him just putting you in the friendzone, him not knowing that you heard that. But were you really ready to sit with his friends knowing that they were teasing him about you? 
“I thought you weren’t coming,” Quinn whispers into your ear, pulling you in for a hug and sending chills down your spine. 
“And miss seeing you again? Please, I’m always up for seeing a friend,” you say. You swear he flinched when you said friend, but he said it first in your defense. You could already tell this night was going to end badly somehow, and none of you wanted to find out how.
He leads you over to the table of guys, none of them seeming to notice that you and Quinn had returned. The entire night was pretty much spent with Quinn pretty much ignoring you and only paying attention to the guys. They acted like you weren’t even there.
“I’m going to go get another drink,” you say, annoyed at Quinn, motioning to the empty bottle sitting in front of you.
Quinn nods, getting up with you “I’ll come with you.” You feel his hand on the small of your back, leading you from behind through the crowd to the bar. You couldn’t help your heart beating faster at this touch, something so intimate even though it probably meant nothing to him. The two of you sit down, you obviously bothered by the way the night was going. “Hey, I’m sorry for the guys,” Quinn apologizes, studying your face, “Are you ok?”
“No,” you admit. “You’ve been ignoring me the entire night. What’s the matter with you?” 
He bites his lip, looking back and forth between you and the guys while he tries to figure out what to say. “The guys think I’m falling in love with you so they tease me about it.”
You stare at him for a moment. Could the guys be right? Could Quinn actually have the same feelings about you that you did for him? “Well are you?” you ask, knowing that it was the alcohol in your system.
“Am I what?”
“Are you falling in love with me?”
“Oh,” is all you can let out, looking down at the drink the bartender had given you. You didn’t want to drink it. Honestly, you just wanted to throw it in his face and storm out. You couldn’t believe he was doing this to you. You look up at him, his face red, him not able to make eye contact with you. He was lying. You know he was.
“I can’t,” he says, his voice small and wavering like he was about to cry.
“That’s bullshit and you know it. You can, too, fall in love, because you know what? I’m falling in love with you, and my schedule is just as busy as yours. So stop being afraid of letting people in because you don’t want to get hurt. All that does is hurt the people around you who are trying to care for you.” You sit there for a second, waiting for his response. When he doesn’t say anything, you get up and leave, before he can see you crying.
You take out your phone, trying to dial Bex as you make your way back to the hotel you were staying in. “Hey, babe, what’s up? It’s late.”
“I hate him,” you sob into your phone, knowing it wasn’t true. “He was so close to telling me he loved me, and he just looked at me and said he won’t.”
“Whoa, whoa, back up. What do you mean?” she says. You recount the night to her, Quinn not paying attention to you and then pretty much breaking your heart right there. “Ugh. what a bitch. He should be lucky to love you.”
You can’t help but smile, even though you were still upset about what had happened. You hear your phone beeping. Taking a look at the incoming call, you decline it, “He’s trying to call me.”
“Nope. Don’t answer.”
“Not gonna. Not for a while.” 
You open your eyes, not even realizing that you had them closed. For a moment, it seemed like you were just singing to him, no one else around you even though you knew the venue was full.
When your lips are on my lips, and our hearts beat as one, but you slip out of my fingertips every time you run.
“So how does it feel knowing that this is the last night of your first full tour,” Bex says on the other end of the phone. The last night was in Vancouver, meaning that all of your friends who said goodbye to you three months ago finally got to see you again, and go out and celebrate with you again. 
“I’m so ready to sleep in my own bed, I’m fucking exhausted,” you tell her, sitting in the dressing room and looking at yourself in the mirror. You still had three more hours before you were supposed to take the stage, but you could already hear the audience going crazy. It felt so surreal, traveling around America and performing in front of thousands of people every night. You had never in your wildest dreams thought you would actually be doing this.
Your thoughts and reminiscing are interrupted by a knock on your door. “Hey, Bex. I gotta go, I’ll see you tonight? You have the passes ready to see me right after the show?”
“Yep, love ya, you’re gonna kill it. See ya,” she says, hanging up.
“Come in!” you call, not getting up from your seat. You were sure it was your manager, who always insisted that you stay in your seat instead of ‘tiring yourself and using energy to get the door.’ The door opens, seeing him in the reflection of your mirror. Practically jumping out of your chair, you run over to him, having not seen him since that night you left crying. “What are you doing here?”
The two of you had been talking again, but it took a while for you to be able to get comfortable with him again. Being told that someone refuses to fall in love with you is heartbreaking, especially when you were in love with them. But at this point, all you had to do was focus on the tour and repress your feelings, and you were doing pretty well until you saw him in your doorway.
“Something I should have done a long time ago,” Quinn says, his hands snaking their way around your waist. His lips crash to yours, you stunned by what was going on before relaxing into it. Your fingers tangle in his hair, tugging the soft strands when his grip tightens around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your mind went blank, still unable to process that he was actually here.
He finally pulls away, your foreheads resting against each other, both of you with smiles on your face. “I don’t understand?” you say. He said he couldn’t love you. You talked all the time about how you weren’t really the ‘hook-up types.’ So why did he just kiss you? Why was he here before your show?
“I’m sorry,” he says, squeezing his eyes shut, “I don’t want the pain of losing someone, so I close myself off. You are everything to me. I don’t think I let myself fall in love because I never found someone who I could see myself being with until I met you.”
“You’re not going to run away this time, are you?”
Another knock at your door startles you before you can say or do anything else. Your manager pokes their head in, “We need you for the pre-show warm-ups?” they ask, as if you were able to say no. “Are you staying here or finding a seat?” they motion to Quinn.
“Finding a seat,” he says, running his hand through his hair. 
“I’ll see you after?” you say to him, giving him another quick kiss before running out to get ready for the final show of the tour.
You finish the song, the crowd cheering. You find Quinn and the boys sitting in their seats. You go through the rest of the show, still not able to pry your eyes away from Quinn. The second you saw him sitting the crowd, you nearly started crying; he had said he wasn’t going to be able to see you on this tour because of his hockey season. So not only did he technically lie, he surprised you and took all the guys to see you perform, too. 
After the show, you can hear the guys coming back to see you through the closed door of your dressing room. Opening it before they can knock, you nearly knock Quinn over, jumping into his arms and kissing him right in front of the guys.
“Who woulda thought that Q here would have actually landed a girl?” Brock asks.
“Hey, it was bound to happen at some point, look at the child,” Jake adds, “Even if it was with someone who sings about love all the time,” he teases you.
“I make just as much money as you do and all you do is chase a small rubber thing over a slippery surface. At least I create music people listen to while most of your fans just yell at you to shoot the puck,” you shoot back, the guys laughing.
“Come on, give her a break,” Quinn finally adds, “I mean look at her, how could I not love her?” he asks, the guys groaning at how mushy he was as as you plant a kiss on his cheek. 
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zwowow · 4 years ago
#7 please!
7.  “That is the dumbest excuse I have ever heard!”
"Let's make it Instagram official!" Kells laughs as holds his phone above them in bed and lines up the shot. Em snaps his head up and off of his chest and looks back at him, horrified. He wasn't serious, would never post anything Em didn't want out there, but the way he looked at him just then broke his fucking heart.
"You know I'm playin', right?" He says cautiously, the fun snuffed out of him. He doesn't even know why he keeps doing this. He just gets hurt every time. If he makes a joke about them coming out, Em shuts it down. If he tries to get his boyfriend to take it seriously, Em still shuts him down. 
At what point is he going to stop wondering when Em will be ready to at least talk about it, and just force him to listen and consider it? Or the alternative, at what point is he going to realize Em will simply never be ready to have the conversation because he won't ever be ready to come out? Kells refuses to even think it's the second one.
"You play too much." Em grumbles, but lays his head back down on Kells' chest. Despite being annoyed at him, Kells wraps an arm around Em and pulls him close.
"I'd stop playing if you'd just fucking talk about it." Em stiffens beneath his arm.
"Talk about what?" Kells scoffs at Em's feigned ignorance. He always does it. Kells could probably guess Em's next words in this repeated conversation.
"If you'd just talk about coming out. We've been together a while, at some point I'd like to be able to go out with you with more than one other person there." I want that too.
"You know I want that too." It's like there are cue cards over each of their heads, Kells sighs and plays his role.
"Then why haven't we done it? Why haven't we at least, I don't know, talked about it?" We can't right now.
"We can't right now." The short conversation is so cyclical, Kells knows they're reaching the end of it. But he doesn't want to let it go tonight. He needs to talk to Em at the very least so that he can set real expectations instead of living on a rollercoaster of hope and disappointment.
"Then when?" He tightens his arm around Em's stiff body to remind. He pleads with his body and voice. Still, he knows what comes next, the inevitable last word.
"I don't know, Kells." Em sounds so sad that Kells wants to back off like he always does. He wants Em to relax into him and fall asleep to the sound of his breathing. Unfortunately, he knows he won’t be able to sleep tonight unless he actually gets Em to talk about this. Tonight, he’s changing up the script. 
“Just give me a time. We’ll talk on Monday, we’ll come out two months from now, whatever the fuck you want. Em please, I need something.”
“Why are you pushing this?” Em breaks free of his grasp and sits up. There is a hard edge in his voice, a warning not to keep pushing. Kells can’t help it, that’s what he’s always done with Em, push him a little too far. 
“Why are you trying so hard to avoid it? What’s the worst that comes from letting people know about us?” 
“It could ruin our fucking lives, our careers. How do you not understand that? Do you really not fucking get how much our careers will change if this comes out?”
"That is just the dumbest excuse I've ever heard." Kells let out a wry laugh and shakes his head. Em's career? His millions of die hard fans that have religiously bought every album for twenty years, that ride his dick harder than Kells ever could? His career riddled with homophobic language that if they did come out would just serve as evidence of internalized hatred and make him a sympathetic victim of fucking ‘society’? His albums that go to number one regardless of quality or promo because of course they do, it’s a fucking Eminem album? His career? That's bullshit.
“You could run over a dog or some sick shit and you’d still go platinum. Do you really think you’re suddenly gonna flop when people find out you suck dick?” 
“It’s not about sales. I don’t want to be a fucking novelty again. You came up later, but when I was starting I couldn’t escape just being a white rapper. No matter how good my shit was, how hard my bars were, it was always good for a white boy. My songs were white, my albums were white, that’s all I fucking was: white. You know that the minute people know about this it’s going to happen again. Fuckin’ ‘best gay rapper’ headlines and Glaad awards for fuckin’ gay pride. I don’t want that shit.” 
Colson knows how that feels. Yeah, he’d come up after Em kind of changed the game for white rappers, but he’d been through the same shit, the othering. The difference between him and Em though, is that, in his opinion, coming out would be worth it. 
“Don’t you think you could get over that, to be honest with everybody?” Kells doesn’t understand Em. He doesn’t understand why it’s even a question. 
“Why the fuck would I want to be honest with people? It’s nobody’s business who I’m fucking.” He’s has known the entire time they’ve been together that Em likes to keep people out. But he’d thought Em would eventually come around to the idea that, if nothing else, Kells was important enough to let go of a bit of that privacy. 
Now he knows the full truth. Em doesn’t want to answer questions about them being together, he won’t want to talk about being queer, and he refuses to be tokenized as a ‘gay rapper’. But if they come out, those things would be inevitable. 
Kells looks at Em, at the hard lines of his face, and realizes something he’s been avoiding for months. 
“Will anything ever make it worth it to come out to you?” 
Em’s silence is enough of an answer. Kells supposes, his avoidance and his insistence that he didn’t want to talk about it were also answers he chose to ignore. 
Em may be content to stay in the closet, to stay hidden and isolated, an island of two, but Kells isn’t. He doesn’t think he ever will be, just like Em doesn’t think he’ll ever be ready to come out. 
“If you really don’t think so, I don’t think I can stay.” 
Kells swallows. Em stares at him. Kells stares back. Em swallows. 
“You should probably go, then.”
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